Week 10: Machine Building

March 29, 2024

Machine Building

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Group Assigment Page

“This week marks the Machine Building week at Aalto’s Fabacademy, where I’m participating remotely. Venturing from Istanbul to Aalto for two weeks, this period offered me a unique opportunity to immerse myself in hands-on experience and collaborative work under the guidance of our mentor, Kris, alongside my incredibly talented group mates. Our time in Aalto’s lab was not just educational; it was filled with moments of fun and incredible learning.”

group assignment link 🚀

Assembly Part

“During the Machine Building week, we embarked on a project to construct a machine equipped with an ultrasonic welder designed to melt plastics together, aiming to simplify the creation of inflatables. This endeavor required us to purchase, assemble, and calibrate an OpenBuilds Acro 1010 kit, which facilitates the construction of a 3-axis machine. Taking part in the assembly process at Aalto, I was involved in fitting together the components of the OpenBuilds Acro 1010. This phase taught me the importance of precision and careful handling, as I accidentally applied too much pressure and broke a piece. This setback was a learning curve; it led us to redesign the corner edges of the Acro plates and produce them anew.”

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It’s works

Machine Building Video Link