Make Fail Learn Repeat .) 👋

Welcome to my FabLife!

Hello! I am Sedat, and I’m here to share my journey through Fab Academy, a 20-week intensive learning experience. Fab Academy has provided me with an opportunity to enhance my creative skills and technical expertise, all guided by the motto “make, fail, learn, repeat.” history of digital gardens

At the end of this journey, I will have completed my project named ‘ToGO’. This page will serve as a platform for me to document my experiences during Fab Academy and how the ToGO project has evolved. Each week, I encountered achievements and setbacks, all integral parts of an experience filled with the “make, fail, learn, repeat” approach. I am here to share this exciting journey with you.

How to Make (Almost) Anything

Start Fablife in my ideas 💡, curate thought provoking & interesting content 💬  and learn.

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