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13. Applications and implications

Some question and answers about my final project.

What will it do?

It will be helliium baloon lifting the cubesat containing a powering system,sensors that cubesat lifted by hellium baloon will collect all data then retvied after landing site (groundstation)

Who did it before?

Professor Nakasuka from Tokyo University what materials and components will be required? For the cubesat kit I’ll use the MDF,and the PCB’s to make arduinos ,helium baloon and the rest of sensors will be electronic modules.

Where will they come from?

Many of the materials are available in the Lab and The cost isn’t high since all the materials are available at the local market and some are here in the fablab but helium balloon from otside the country.


Qty Materials Price Link
1 GPS(Avail.Ublox m6 8.00 $
1 Accelorometer 6.00 $
1 li-ion battery(avail 16.00 $
1 airtempeature sensor 20.00 $
1 esp 32camera. 10.00 $
1 humidity sensor. 9.00 $
1 GSM 22.00 $
1 balloon.

What parts and system will be made?

Except electronics modules, The structure is made by prexgrass cut by the laser cutter, and the arduinos will be designed and milled by the Roland here in fablab.

Procedures to be used?

There is no extra process for making any part or component or anything. I have to cut my external structure in Laser Cutter,then connect the solar panels to the battery,then connect it to the electronic circuit containing sensors and hellium balloon to be lounched after getting autorization for lounching balloon in air space.

what tasks need to be completed?

Designing the arduino part that will be connecting all sensors I have already designed the outer structure in solid work I am designing te Atmega328 arduino that will connect all the sensors and the nrf24l01 communication As soon as the electronic design is done I’ll assemble and test if the designed cubesat can collect all data (images of the land scape)

what solutions does it bring?

The solution it will bring is to facilitate the the forest monitors to do it easly .

what is the schedule?

what is the schedule? I have already designed the outer structure in solidworks. I am designing te Atmega328 arduino that will connect all the sensors and the nrf24l01 communication As soon as the electronic design is done I’ll assemble and test if the designed cubesat mounted on hellium balloon that can collect all data.

how will it be evaluated?

Flow of work for the final project:

  • Defining functionality
  • Find Cost effective materials
  • Start with outer structure design
  • Fabrication of the parts
  • Assembling of Fabricated parts
  • Adding electronics circuitry
  • Programming the circuit to behave as i want
  • Testing
  • Documentation

Last update: June 17, 2022