Fab Academy
Week1 - Principles and Practices
An introduction to Fab Academy and its journey
Week2 - Project Management
Managing the Project, Creating a website and learning gitlab & git.
Week3 - Computer Aided Design
Working on 2D and 3D Computer Aided Manufacturing
Week4 - Computer-Controlled Cutting
Working on learning manufacturing by cutting. Modular kits, Vinyl Cutter, and so on.
Week5 - Electronics Production
Working on learning substractive manufacturing by using a desktop mill and learning soldering & electronics
Week6 - 3D scanning and printing
Working on learning additive manufacturing by using a 3D printers and learning 3D scanning
Week7 - Electronics Design
Working on learning manufacturing Electronics and designing your own electronics.
Week8 - Computer-Controlled Machining
Working on learning manufacturing using CNC and started designing big and complicated things.
Week9 - Embedded Programming
Working on learning new programming languages, trying out new IDEs and learning how microcontroller works
Week10 - Molding and Casting
Working on learning making molds using subtractive machining and creating parts out of those molds.
Week11 - Input Devices
Working on building a new board that takes an input from a seperate device
Week12 - Output Devices
Working on building a new board that can use 3rd party output devices.
Week13 - Networking and Communications
Working on building a board that can communicate with multiple other devices.
Week14 - Interface and application programming
Working on buikding an interface that interract with a premade board.
Week15_16 - Machine Building
Working on building a fully fledged machine with the help of the whole Wheaton College MA Fab Academy team
Week17 - Wildcard Week
Working on building a piece that is built/machined by a new (to me) machine.
Week18 - Applications and Implications
Working on planning my final project and answering questions about it.
Week19 - Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income
Working on planning my final project and explaining it using a poster and a video.
Please rotate your device!