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1. Principles and practices & Project managment

Starting the first week with Setting up our websites and Planning our Final projects .

Website Planning

I decided to use the website template provided by the academy . As I was a complete beginner in website development . In order to have a local copy of our website where we can edit then upload changes , We need a software. It was recommended to use SourceTree as my GitLab GUI (Graphical User Interface). But when I attempted to download and run it , It would fail for no obvious reason. Turned out that the problem is that I’m using Windows 8 OS and it’s not supported . Searching for an alternative , I came across GitKraken with a good load of positive reviews . Only comment is that it’s not an open-source software , Yet it’s free .


Simple steps :

1- Gitlab Account Provided by the Academy.

2- Gitkraken Account

3- Clone the website to my local drive

4- Implement SSH key to allow pushing edits to the website

Hello world in Makrdown

Using Notepad++ to edit the files

Stage the changes

Commit these changes to track my progress

Push’em up

Website pipeline running

Ready !

Words Comming into Website

Dramastic change

GitKrakin got annoying refusing to open my raspitory , wasn’t so sure what’s the problem and of course was unable to fix it . So I switched to the cute Aurees

Very simple and easy user friendly GUI .

Helpful Codes to get started (Will be updated constantly)

Adding images


Having a seperator line

<hr />


Great website for compressing images’ sizes is TinyPNG

Planning the final project

Final Project concept :

Being a mom to an awesome middle-aged cat who needs constant attention about his health , I’ve always needed a device to assest in that . but all I can find was a pet feeder . I want to make something that can provide more : mentoring food and water , bathroom visits , maybe entertaining as well .

Product thinking :

This project should be useful to anyone having trouble tracking his pet’s behaviour . It should enable the user to control & monitor how much his pet eats , drinks & visits toilet . I’m thinking about a food despencer , maybe some mechanism & a sensor to track how much is eaten . I’m considering motion sensors to detect drinking and toilet visits . Maybe a screen to show data as well as transfering it to a phone . Still working on how this whole thing could be functional in the case of having 2 cats .

Initial Sketches :

Last update: May 6, 2021