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1. Project Organisation

In order for the work to flow, we have decided ourselves in the lab into three groups. We used a random group generator. The three groups will have a common base. This will allow us to make sure the game is actually possible.

The base rules were as follows:

  • the electronics will be a Barduino and a CNC shield.
  • the XY motor move the machine around, while the Z is used for the tool.
  • All machines will have a button. The button is lit until pressed. Once pressed, the machine stops working for 10 seconds.
  • The machines are powered with a set of 3 250mAh Li-ion batteries.

Each team should make their own tool. This tool have the goal of pressing that button. In order for us to make it on time, we have organised our time using the Gantt Chart as you can see below.

Beside the work done by each member for the base which is mentioned in detail in awesomemachine2; we decided to divide the tool tasks according to best expertise field while learning from each other:

  • Adrien handled the code that makes the tool rotate at the right velocity.
  • Tarek designed & produced the main tool mechanismthe rotor and belt
  • Lynn tested material & shapes for the striking ball & string.