- Focus404 ↝ Alien Jazz (30/04/2021)
Rasberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi Pico (21/04/2021)
- Purify indoor air with moss (05/02/2021)
- Kodak ColorPlus 200 - 1345 (07/01/2021)
- Kodak ColorPlus 200 - 1346 (06/01/2021)
Music player
- References (04/01/2021)
- Kitty terminal (03/01/2020)
- Vim (03/01/2021)
- Tempeh collection (13/12/2020)
- Prototype of an indoor growing system (11/12/2020)
Incubator v0.2
- Electronics (22/11/2020)
- A case for the electronics (23/11/2020)
- Web interface (24/11/2020)
- Our first tempeh (25/11/2020)
- Cabinet (01/12/2020)
Incubator v0.1
- Electronics (09/11/2020)
- Interface example (10/11/2020)
- Interface (12/11/2020)
The Green Observatory
- Electronics: Input (12/10/2020)
- Electronics: Output (12/10/2020)
- Making of the inflatable part (07/10/2020)
- Making of the structure (18/10/2020)
Machine design
- Making the field (09/11/2020)
- Coding the electronics (10/11/2020)
- Wildcard (07/10/2020)
Molding and casting
- Multiple oloids (06/10/2020)
- Networking and communications (06/05/2020)
- Invention, intellectual property, and income (18/09/2020)
Interface application programming
- My coding journey (23/04/2020)
- My first openFrameworks application (24/04/2020)
Output devices
- Prototyping an incubator (16/04/2020)
- Applications and implications (17/09/2020)
Input devices
- Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 (26/03/2020)
- Thermistor (09/01/2021)
- Moisture level sensor (28/03/2020)
- Sensing plants activity (15/09/2020)
Embedded programming
- Pomodoro code (18/03/2020)
- How to read a datasheet (19/03/2020)
- Programming the ATtiny1614 (20/03/2020)
- Programming the ESP32 — Barduino (21/03/2020)
- PlatformIO (22/03/2020)
- Arduino IDE (23/03/2020)
Computer-controlled machining
- CNC machine (01/10/2020)
- Fab stool/bench/table (06/10/2020)
Electronics design
- Pomodoro timer (15/09/2020)
- Test equipment (21/09/2020)
3D scanning and printing
- Printing a test file (26/02/2020)
- Oloid shape (27/02/2020)
- 3D scanning (28/02/2020)
Electronics production
- Testing the compact milling machine (20/02/2020)
- Making an in-circuit programmer (21/02/2020)
Computer-controlled cutting
- Laser cutter (15/02/2020)
- Geodesic dome (16/02/2020)
- The most common password ever (17/02/2020)
- Computer-aided design (09/02/2020)
Project management
- My computer (04/02/2020)
- My documentation tool (05/02/2020)
- Git cheatsheet (06/02/2020)
- Other tools (03/10/2020)
- Principles and practices (26/01/2020)
Final project: research
- Sketches and first ideas (02/04/2020)
- References and related projects (01/05/2020)
- Sensing the electrical activity of a plant (01/06/2020)
- Structure: design and fabrication (02/06/2020)
- Ilford XP2 - 4449 (30/09/2020)
- About (04/09/2020)