6. 3D Scanning and printing


1: group assignment

See the doc Here

Step 2: Printing a 3D object

individual assignment:

I have added little square holes to be not milled

  I have used the prusa with this specific configuration
  and i printed it with a certain angle to be abke to print it with support

And the printing was like this when he is finished.

I remove all the support and the result is

i have scan myself with a scanner here verry easy to use

And i used slic3r with the prussa program to be able to print it

An the result is

Problemes during scan or print and troubleshooting

With the scanner we have a lot of surprise because when you go to fast you lose your point and you have to redo the scan.

Problem whit 3d printer, you have to check your first layer otherwise it wil bend or not not be plane, and cheking the values of the bed heating and the nozzle when you buy and material check the temp

Original files

### Done for this week