And now lets talk how I did it from the very beginning...
Here is some questions connecting to the project development.
When I was thinking about the final project idea I really wanted to make something useful for myself. So, I was sitting at my desk next to the window when I saw it:
That is how I came up with an idea of self-watering smart planer. In addition it will also have a LED, so it can grow even without lights. In order to know, when to water a plant, I plan to use humidity sensor and water lever sensor, and light sensor. So, here ia the sketch of my final project:
I got this idea before the Fab Academy actually started. Even thought I did not finalise all my design ideas before May. Whenever I was able to fit time in between work, studies and the Fab Academy assignments I would try to refine my idea or start on components. In an ideal world I would have liked to incorporate each weeks assignments into my Smart Planter, but without knowing/understanding the technologies beforehand this turmed out very difficult.
So now, when I am almost at the finishing line of the FabAcademy, I am so happy to have this feeling that I can make almost anything!
Now on to the practical details of the project, after some consideration I came up with the following list of components keeping in mind to use as many of the new skills we learned during the FabAcademy as possible:
In the next sections each of these components will be elaborated in detail, and for the entire Bill of Materials (BOM) have a look at the files section at the bottom of the page.
After looking up the components that would not be on the board itself (bluetooth module, WS2812, water pump(12V), plant lights on strip(12V), humidity sensor, water level sensor), checking their datasheets, and checking the datasheets of the microcontrollers available to me, I decided to use an ATMega328. More info of my steps can be found at the Input & Output devices weeks documentation. As to the on board components, these were the ones I used:
The resulting schematic and board can be seen on the image below and can be downloaded at the bottom of the page in the Files section.
I will not get into the detail of milling and stuffing the board since I have described that process in detail in former weeks. So, here is how my boar looks like:
I used an Arduino as an ISP because this is a well documented process with which I have a bit of experience from the previous weeks. First you connect only the Arduino to your computer without the board attached to it, then you open up the ArduinoISP example in the Arduino IDE and upload it. Then I connected my board to the ISP using the 6x1 pinheader to program the ATMega328 itself. More info of my steps can be found at the Input & Output devices weeks documentation.
Below you can find a code with a lot of explanation comments, enjoy :)
P.S. the code can also be downloaded from the file section.
#include "FastLED.h"
// define LED as an output for water level
#define NUM_LEDS 1
#define DATA_PIN 9
// determine input sensors
int sensorPinLDR = PC0; // select the input pin for LDR
int sensorValueLDR = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the LDR sensor
int sensorPinWater = PC1; // select the input pin for water level sensor
int sensorValueWater = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the water level sensor
int sensorPinHumidity = PC2; // select the input pin for humidity sensor
int sensorValueHumidity = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the humidity sensor
// Define the array of leds
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //sets serial port for communication
FastLED.addLeds(leds, NUM_LEDS);
pinMode(PD5, OUTPUT);// PUMP
pinMode(PD6, OUTPUT);// LIGHTS
void loop() {
sensorValueLDR = analogRead(sensorPinLDR); // read the value from the sensor
sensorValueWater = analogRead(sensorPinWater);
sensorValueHumidity = analogRead(sensorPinHumidity);
// Water level
if (sensorValueWater < 10) {
Serial.println("NO WATER IN HERE!");
leds[0] = CRGB::Red;;
else if (sensorValueWater < 400) {
Serial.println("NO WATER IN HERE!");
leds[0] = CRGB::Yellow;;
Serial.println("ENOUGHT WATER IN HERE!");
leds[0] = CRGB::Green;;
// Humidity
if (sensorValueHumidity < 110) {
Serial.println("Dry Soil!");
digitalWrite(PD5, HIGH); //turn the pump on
Serial.println("Moist soil");
digitalWrite(PD5, LOW);// turn the pump off
if (sensorValueLDR < 400) {
Serial.println("Not enought Light");
digitalWrite(PD6, HIGH);// turn the Lights on
Serial.println("Enought Light");
digitalWrite(PD6, LOW); //turn the Lights off
DISCLAIMER: This part is the same as in Application programming & Network assignment , but I will still have it here in order to minimize the page hopping!
I used an HC05 bluetooth module (Datasheet ). The module uses a serial connection over the RX and TX pin and my final board processor ATmega328 has such a pins, there should be no problem. Here is an instruction, how to set and connect the bluetooth module:
After that I could find bluetooth on my laptop and connect it:
After that I programmed my board using serial communication:
So now, if I will open serial Monitor for a device - Bluetooth, I will see what bluetooth module receives :
I did set up a processing app to work with the bluetooth module on my PCB. The app simply connects to the bluetooth module and receives the information (0 when water tank is empty and 1 when it is full).
Here is the code (you can also download it as my whole app in the file section):
import processing.serial.*;
boolean toggle = true;
PImage LEDonImage;
PImage LEDoffImage;
Serial myPort;
int portNumber;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
LEDonImage = loadImage("LEDonImage.png");
LEDonImage.resize(500, 500);
LEDoffImage = loadImage("LEDoffImage.png");
LEDoffImage.resize(500, 500);
image(LEDoffImage, 0, 0);
for (int count = 0; count < Serial.list().length; count++){
if (Serial.list()[count].length() > 20){
if (Serial.list()[count].substring(0,21).equals("/dev/cu.LANABT-SPPDev")){
portNumber = count;
String portName = Serial.list()[portNumber];
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
char water = 0;
char last = 1;
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
water = myPort.readChar();
if(water == 0){
image(LEDonImage, 0, 0);
//println("water on");
image(LEDoffImage, 0, 0);
//println("water off");
void draw() {
if(water == '0'){
image(LEDonImage, 0, 0);
//println("water on");
image(LEDoffImage, 0, 0);
//println("water off");
So, that how it looks:
Next step was to laser cut it. It was not obvious, how to get a 2D desing from 3D, so I found a nice trick. In order to do that, I projecte my pieces into a sketch and saved the sketche as .DXF files. Basically, you need to project you component into a new figure. Here is a step-by-step instruction:
At the file section you can fins both: the .f3d model and .zip with vector design of each part.
So after cutting I putted all parts together:
I also did the water reservoir and pot for plant using laser cut. Making addition pot was not a part of my initial idea. Since the body is made of the MDF, I thought that contact with water might cause some problem, that is why I made an extra pot in order to avoid this contact. I am not going to explain you the details of design, since it is just a simple boxes. I made the design using this online tool. The .svg designs could be found in the file section. The water reservoir needed a bit more effort, since it should be water waterproof. I used hot glue pistol for that:
Next step was designing and producing the top part and cup for the water reservoir. As always, I did the design in Autodesk Fusion. I did a design of platform with hole and the cup itself. You can download .f3d as well as .stl files below.
For 3D frinting I used Ultimaker 2. For my design no support material was use. A quick reminder, for Ultimaker 2 there is a special software Cura, that transforms you design to an understandable by printer .gcode format.
Next step was to put it all together. I would recommend to be very careful with water and electricity, since they are just next to each other. So first I did the test of mmy system without any planter or soil:
Then I planted my roses. And of course, cleaned after my mess :)
For more secure I build the box for the board and glued the light sensor and WS2812:
P.S. It was a great journey. I want to thank the FabAcademy for such a great experience and quick learning. What is more, thank the The Media Computing Group of RWTH Aachen for being extremely supportive and very helpful. And I appreciate my colleagues, Anke and Matthias, for making this journey pleasant. That was much fun, I will miss it!