I'm a video designer who studied Design in Milan, Italy not only give me the opportunity to study in one of the best European design schools, but it fed my desire to learn more about cultures other than my own and to work with various international artists and teachers.
My years pursuing a degree in Advertising and Public Relations in Bilbao and Bari and living in Edinburgh taught me about other languages, cultures and about who I was, maturing far from my family, my language and my country. I learnt to observe, discovering other colours, sensations, sounds, interests, and people. When I lacked words because of the limitations of language, images gave me a new way of communicating and expressing myself.
I was exchange student in the School of Visual Arts in New York, it was very stimulating for both my work and me. In fact, years later I returned to work.
The first aspect of my work that I would like to emphasize is my intent to materialize the image.
I design games, visual performances or interactive installations to engage the public in a joint experience between video, sound, light, form and new tecnologies. Using Aumented Reality, videomapping or interactivity, I think visual experiences through gaming, shows and exhibitions. Using sound and images on App, architecture or structures to understand the three-dimensional reality, perspectives and innovation suggestive spaces for interpretation.
This "interdisciplinary" experience of these years in the Fab Lab has been very intense and important to create more complex interactive installations and electronic prototypes. The opportunity to attend the Fab Academy has given me the opportunity to learn by doing. Understand how objects are born and learn the techniques to make them.
I have worked very hard and will continue to do so in order to achieve my goal and dream of becoming a great video designer.