At week 10 I programmed a micro-controller to measure distance using an ultrasonic sensor.

At week 11 I programmed a micro-controller control two servo motors.

At week 13 I programmed three micro-controllers to work as a network, each with its own ID.

At week 14 I programmed a micro-controller to send photoresistor inputs through the serial port.

I used a board from my final project that I didn't need and programmed it to control two servo motors of a useless machine that I made.



In order to program the AtTiny with Arduino code you need to install the Tiny for Arduino. Download the attiny-ide-1.6.x ZIP file and install according to the tutorial in the High-Low link

The code for operating a servo motor with the atTiny Chip is a bit different. Instead of using the regular servo.h library I used the SoftwareServo.h after downloading the .zip file I opened the Sketch menu->Include Library->Add .ZIP Library and browsed to the downloaded zip file.

// Or Shoval // fablabil #include <SoftwareServo.h>; SoftwareServo door; SoftwareServo hand; int i = 0; void setup() { door.attach(7); hand.attach(6); door.write(15); hand.write(40); SoftwareServo::refresh(); delay(5000); } void loop() { for (i=15; i<=80; i++) { door.write(i); SoftwareServo::refresh(); delay (15); } for (i=40; i<=180; i++) { hand.write(i); SoftwareServo::refresh(); delay (15); } for (i=180; i>=40; i--) { hand.write(i); SoftwareServo::refresh(); delay (15); } for (i=80; i>=15; i--) { door.write(i); SoftwareServo::refresh(); delay (15); } delay(10000); }

Next I will connect the switch to the board and modify the code to operate the motors when triggered.