4/3/2015 // Embedded Programming //

For programming I went to the tutorial and did as it said, step by step. The board did as it said in the tutorial:

For the second try I switched the button with the water sensor just to check if it works properly. It did but I also discovered that tap water aren't as conductive as I thought they were. As you can see in the video the LED turns on and off inconsistently.

Then I added some sea salt to the tap water to better the conductivity. In the video you can see the water sensor still working as a button.

Once the water sensor was working I made some small alteration to the code to make it as I wanted it to be; I wanted the LED to go on once it was in the water and be turned off only after the button was pressed.

// Water Sensor with LED // Fab Academy 2015 // By Katie Levine // Public Domain const int buttonPin = 3; const int ledPin = 7; const int waterPin = 8; int buttonState = 0; int waterState = 0; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); pinMode(waterPin, INPUT); } void loop() { buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); waterState = digitalRead(waterPin); if (waterState == LOW) digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); if (buttonState == LOW) digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); }

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