Homework assignment

Project development

Complete your final project, tracking your progress:
what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
what has worked? what hasn't?
what questions need to be resolved?
what will happen when?
what have you learned?
documentation during development
demand- vs supply-side time management
spiral development


My final project is smart wardrobe.
There were several stages of the projects and related difficulties:
  1. Generation of idea. Firstly I wanted to make a device for documentation of the projects (it should work as a middle layer between USB-sticks and PC connected to machines). Than I decided that this case depends a lot on programming and I can only make a box for it using one of machines. The second idea had visited my at week 8 when I decided what to mill: the idea is a smart wardrobe which can be opened using RFID-card or remotely using Intel Galileo platform.
  2. Make a box. Next problem appeared when I made a mistake with calculation of the amount of material I need to CNC a wardrobe. Size of the wardrobe was 180*40*50 cm I didn't take into account that I have only one sheet of plywood 1220*2440 cm. Later I bought more materials and successfully made a wardrobe.
  3. Electronics inside. As I said my plan was not only to use RFID-card but to use remote access as well. I knew that Intel Galileo platform can be easily programmed with Processing language and allow to implement all my plans. So I made a shield for the platform with input, output and networking possibilities. The problem was that I decided to complete all homework with electronics in one step so I spend a lot of time with designing and making my electronic circuit because I didn't have so many experience as if I made homework step by step. There was one more problem: it's very difficult to buy right micro end mills in Russia with 3 or 6 mm tail, so we bought 0.4 mm end mill with 4 mm tail and used big CNC to mill the circuits - it was quite fun to make small things on a giant machine.
  4. Time limits. When I had applied to the Fab Academy I knew how it's time consuming but reallity was harder than my imagination. Because I'm a director of Fab Lab Polytech I spend a lot of time to other projects: organization of international schools and bootcamps, management and checking of orders, our participation in the festivals, application to different grants and competitions, etc. That's why I don't clear the Fab Academy homeworks within the one week time step. I home that I succeed all critical stages of Fab Academy and my participation will not failed.
  5. Big goals. I wanted to illustrate all knowledge and experience of Fab Academy by tutorials on two languages (russian and english), but because it consumes a lot of time - I made only several bilingual tutorials: milling the circuit, 3D-printing, molding and casting and input.

During the Fab Academy 2015 I learned a lot: new tools, processes and knowledge. One of my greatest achievements: designing and creating of electronic circuits. Also I tried documentation during the development and it works very well! What else did I learn:
I think that my greatest achievement is OpenSCAD box creator which can be very helpful and time-saving.

Final project slide: