link: ISP
link: FAB ISP tutorial

For this week assignment we start to play with electronics!
What we are going to do using the Rolan Modela is to mill a circuit board and apply the components on it.
What kind of board is this?
The FabISP is an in-system programmer for AVR microcontrollers, designed for production within a FabLab. It allows you to program the microcontrollers on other boards you make.
To use the Modela we have to upload the file on the terminal using the sudo. Once we are in the Modela software we select the image png starting from the traces. To do the traces we change the tool of 1/64 size. Once the traces are done we can change the tool to the 1/32 in order to cut the board. If everything works fine we can now move to the second phase: program the ISP! Here are the steps: Steps:
- Download Crosspack AVR - http://www.obdev.at/products/crosspack/index.html
- Download Firmware - http://academy.cba.mit.edu/classes/embedded_programming/firmware.zip
- Download X Code - http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/xcode/id497799835?ls=1&mt=12
- Power the FabIsp and connect it to the USBtiny
- Edit the Makefile
- Program the FabIsp - (Make clean, Make hex, Sudo make fuse, sudo make program
- remove the Bridges resistors.
I did all the steps and the ISP is now working. I'll use to burn the bootlaoader from now on.
It's possible to see my board working on my next assignments.