Let's Make (Almost) Anything
Husani Sallah
Networking and Communication
This week we are networking several boards together in the form of a serial bus. I started by milling the bridge board as well as two node boards. After milling and stuffing each bus board I used my fabISP to program each of the boards, starting with the bridge board. Before I could program the bridge board, I had to change the #define node_id to ‘0’.
I would have to change the node id in the C code for each node that I programmed.C Code After programming each of the three nodes I connected them with each other and disconnected the fabISP. I then opened Arduino’s serial monitor in order to check the connection of my new network. The network worked and all boards responded to the number input from Arduino. Next, I changed the C code so that the LED’s on each node would light up one more times than it’s named number (ie. node 0 lights up once, node 1 lights up twice, and node 2 lights up three times).

I plan to venture further into the possible outcomes of programming boards into a network;however, this exercise gave me an understanding of how to establish a network between boards. I plan to network multiple boards for my final project and this exercise has led me into a positive direction (understanding).