Applications and Implications
It is almost that time for the final projects to come out of hiding. I have been working on this idea for a while now. My final project will be the base for a ping pong ball dispenser. By base I mean that it will be capable of
holding the dispenser up and moving it across the width of the ping pong table. My final project is a slider rail and it can be used for mounting video cameras as well. 

This is what the foot and the head of the slider rail will look like. These models are made of cardboard but the real supports will be made from acrylic. One of the team members has jumped out in front of the pack and has
began to set up a network for all of our motor boards to communicate and act on. I have done much of the design portion of my own and parts of other group members projects. Every person is hustling hard to do what they can for the completion of this project.
Overall we will need a lot of acrylic because we have decided that both aesthetically and mechanically, acrylic will get the job done. Each individual will need their own motors. In total we will need two stepper motors and 5 servo motors. The entire project will cost well under
$1,000. Each individual in our group will build our own Arduino boards:  Our schedule has been stretched out to the max and we are excited to be so close to completion heading into the final stretch of this sessions grading period.