// 1-Principles and proyect management   // 2-Computer-aided design // 3-computer-controlled cutting
// 4-electronics production // 5-3D scanning and printing // 6-electronics design // 7-molding and casting
// 8-embedded programming // 9-computer-controlled machining // 10-input devices // 11-composites  
// 12-interface & application programming // 13-output devices // 14-networking & communications
// 15-mechanical design, machine design // 16-appplications and implications
// 17-invention, intellectual property and income // 18-project development
// FinalProject // 

Week16: Applications and implications

r2d2 RC

What will I do?

I will build a R2D2 smatphone controlled. My inicial idea is to build a remote controlled ground model, and i want to make one with the shape of an R2D2 robot from Star Wars. The model must be light weight, scaled from original (maybe less than half of the original, maybe 1/3 of the original height) and secure for kids. I want to add also some modules that makes this robot more interactive, like:

- Voice module: The robot will have a speaker to reproduce the sound of  R2D2

- Crash module: The robot will be able to detect crashes and react to it.

- Movement module: The motors inside. It will be activated by remote control.

- Energy module: the robot will be autonomous, without wires to give power. A rechargeable battery will be used.

- Head module: The robot will have a head that can turn around, remote controlled.

- Led modules: Some leds blink in some cases and interactions.

This will be the basic modules, needed to complete the first stage of the robot. At this moment i assume the basic robot is completed.

The stage two could add this othe modules and other features like:

- Proyection module: Could proyect a Leia princess shape in a wall.

- Detection module: the robot can analyze his enviroment and react to it.

Whos done what beforehand?

Commercial toys based in R2D2

voice remote controlled R2D2: http://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/voice-remote-controlled-r2-d2  139,99$

Star Wars R2D2 Remote Control R2-D2 Clone Wars: http://www.toyxperts.com.au/index.php/star-wars-r2d2-remote-control-r2-d2-clone-wars/p_1215.html  69.95$

There is a Vintage R2D2 remote controlled, discontinued:


Video of the last toy comercialized of R2D2:


From 229.99$ in Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B001E95SQ2/ref=dp_olp_0?ie=UTF8&condition=all

A really small remote controlled R2D2:

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Star-Wars-Remote-Control-R2-D2/dp/B001W0ZX2W  23.99£

Fans Building R2D2 (all made in 1:1 scale)


The astromech are the robots present in Star Wars saga, not only R2D2. There are a great community and a lot of documentation about building a 1:1 r2d2 robot.

Michael Mcmaster, the great builder of R2D2 astromechs:


Another R2D2 builder page:


Astromech.net The main page of the R2D2 builders club (amazing):


Low cost telepresence robot (with a R2D2 trash can): http://qiaosongwang.wordpress.com/2009/11/28/self-made-telepresence-robot-for-challenge-cup-2009-beijing/

Instructables hacking a Hasbro R2D2 model to be controlled by bluetooth:


What materials and components will be required?

The body: will be made in composite, so i need epoxy and some matrix like linen or something more close to the "metal" look like. To make the mold i need some foam plates, and some piece of linen or similar. Vinyls could be use to decorate the robot.

The electronics: I will need a Fabduino to control 3 or 4 motors, speaker, battery, piezoelectric, capacitor, resistences etc...

The interface: maybe Processing and Arduino will be used to create an application for Android enviroment.

The movement: Three tyres from an old toy. Also two motors for movement and one for the head.

The power: A rechargeable battery from recycled parts.

Where will they come from?

Most of them are part of the Fab Lab inventory. The only parts that i could not find in the inventory are three tyres (from an old F1 RC car), three motors (also from recycled) and my Samsung S2 to test the application. Also the foam, wich i can buy in a local store.

How much will it cost?

With all the parts needed, the only cost (included the fab lab inventory) are about 15$ aprox. maybe less.

Foam: 4€

Linen or similar: 4€

Vynil: 2€

Components to build fabduino and sensors: to be calculed.

What parts and systems will be made?

The only parts that will NOT be made are the tyres and the motors. All the rest will be made:

Structure: to work with composite

Electronics: to be milling and soldering.

Gears and axis: to be printed

What processes will be used?

For the body, i will composite the shape of R2D2. This will make the robot less heavy, and hard enough to handle by mi little kids. So i will use the CNC to cut the foam with the shape, and a composite of linen and epoxy to make the definitive piece.

To cut the linen in the exact form, i will use the laser cut.

The gears needed to move the tyres and the head will be printed y a 3D printer, also all the pieces needed. My idea is that no metal part will be used in the structure.

To mill the board of the circuits i will use the Roland Modela, and i will solder all the components needed. All the boards needed will be made by me.

What tasks need to be completed?

Design and mount the robot structure, add the mechanical components and calibrate the gears and the printed parts. Also make the fabduino, connect and program all the components in Arduino IDE.

Check the robot power comsumption and try to use a recycled rechargeable battery.

Also develop a processing simple control panel to run over an android device.

What questions need to be answered?

¿Will the structure be hard enough to face a 3 years old boy?

¿Will the power consumption be low enough to use a 750mAmp recycled battery?

¿How will i communicate the android device and the robot?

What is the schedule?

schedule for the final proyect

How will it be evaluated?

The robot must move in 360º, make sounds, move his head un 360º and do this from a remote control.