Welcome to the diary of my experience
my name is Pablo Nuņez, and this year i am going to participate in the
Fab Academy 2013. I live in Leon, a medium size city in Spain.
Fortunately Fab Lab Leon recently open his doors, and im a partner in
this new center.
Im a computer tecnician, but right now search for a job
in spain its a
nightmare, due to the crisis. But crisis is a change in an organizated
reality, and this could lead to a revolution....and thats exactly what
im doing with my challenges. Im going to face this revolution becoming
a #fabber.
Im the father of three childs, and this is the other thing that keeps
me alert and conscious of my world. They need and demand the 100% of
me, and thats a great way to keep me pushing to be a best man and a
better father.
I want to thank my instructor in Fab Lab Leon, Nuria Robles, for all his help and great moments in this Academy.I want to thank also all my Academy mates in Leon: Cesar, Sara, Japi, Ruben, Epi and Cova. I found in them great people with great minds, and without them i could not finish this madness.And also i want to thanks all makers in Fab Lab Leon: Lucas, Victor, Alex...
Youn can find me in twitter (@eltercerlugar) or in my personal HUB (http://flavors.me/eltercerlugar)
