// 1-Principles and proyect management   // 2-Computer-aided design // 3-computer-controlled cutting
// 4-electronics production // 5-3D scanning and printing // 6-electronics design // 7-molding and casting
// 8-embedded programming // 9-computer-controlled machining // 10-input devices // 11-composites  
// 12-interface & application programming // 13-output devices // 14-networking & communications
// 15-mechanical design, machine design // 16-appplications and implications
// 17-invention, intellectual property and income // 18-project development
// FinalProject // 

Week1: principles and practices 

As im a noob user of the Fab Lab Leon, i have recently learnd what a Fab Lab is, his open minded filosofy and the machines and tools we could use in them. I think the next revolution from analog to digital that comes with the fab labs are the next "big bang".

This week we have learn the use of Mercurial as a version control software. Also i aid my fab lab to start a repository where the users of our fab lab could update his web page before it goes definetely to the MIT mercurial server. (i hope we get all working in a short amount of time). Mercurial is a great tool, but also is a hard way to approach the command line for a lot of people.

For the web development i found a relatively simply software to create web pages. Its called Kompozer, and its open source. Powered by Mozilla, allow me to create a simple html from design and, later, access to the code to modify the source simply and smoothly.

I also made a Dropbox account, to easily access my important files from the fab lab (i had an important memory loss problem...too many things in it). And a tumblr blog, where i describe my personal experience in this Fab Academy (eltercerlugar.tumblr.com)

project management

My final proyect will be a sort of container of sensors and actuators, so i can try as much interactions as i can. This container, as a young geek, will be the best android in the movies: R2D2


The body of R2D2 will be a press fit container, and inside of  it im going to put numerous sensors and actuators, like:

- Switch: various switches to turn on/off, establish link

- Fototransistor: The container will know if its day light or its night.

- Temperature: Could know the temperature and make different things in some case.

- Position: It will know when its facedown (when he will scream), when its sideways (he beg to go up) and when its normal

- Image: Will have a cmos sensor, and could take photo in some cases.

- Sound: ask if there is someone.

- wifi: could have a web page to know his state and maybe communicate with it by wifi

It could have some servos to move around, and some proximity sensors to avoid crash to a wall. This will be the final step.