what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
during the fab academy i was modifieing my design acording to the new things that i will learn.
so the first three weeks iwas exploaring on how i can make my design be portable that can be assembled and re assmpled, easly becouse my last project Light tunnel V1 and Light Tunnel V2 most of the cost was goin to the structure and it only can be used once and then it will be sold as scrap becouse the manfifacturarer will make this specially for me,
so my goal was to cut this cost out thats why i designned these joints
3D design and printing of the joints
i finished designing the joint and printed them using 3d printer
- and during the Mold and cast week the plan is to make a mold for the joint that can be casted with deffeent materils for the porpuse of re producing the joint over and over and for faster production of it
Designed tow side mold and mill it
i made mold for speeding the process of creating more joints

and here in the 2d design and cutting with cnc is to test if the structurecan be asembled correctly and to see if there is errors need to be fixed
Designed the structure and cut the parts
i finished the structure and cut it with ShopBot CNC and test the structure

for the electronics this is the part i was waiting to reach during the academy , its the skill that i really want to gain so i can devolop more toos and product , for me making is my daily job and i dont really git board of it, o making my own board is a dream that came true, so i was enjoing learning how i can reach wit this.
and for the project the process of test and develop was going week by week and applieing whatever i learned on it.

LED —- Attiny45
Red —- »> 12 V
White —- »> GND
Green —- »> pb0
GND —- »> GND
with sequencing
Designed cut the electronics pcb

whats left
- tow more hexagons
- tow more boards
- Soldering the boards
what’s working? what’s not?
- the structure need to be more stable because its keep falling down, maybe if i connected the five hexagon together they will hold each other
- the milling of the boards need to be adjusted , the traces very thin they will cuse problems i thing in future
- need to find a way for clean wiring
what questions need to be resolved?
- which serial protocol worked
- what wire did you used
what will happen when?
- i will print more structure and start the assembely first
- solder the pcb
- wire the system together
what have you learned?
- i have learned a lot on this project because most of the tasks i had to repeat them over and over till i got it right, and the most valuable skill i got is designing my own board, this skill is the best
Project Managment
i am using Trello the project managment of my project and documentation process during the academy.

- i priority the task on it
- store the refrences nd resources when i need them
- i use it in phone and laptob while i am working
so for this project i planned to present on 16 july so i planned to hit this dead line and strated wit hwhat i need to make the project be working to presented,