3D Scanning and Printing
Group assignment
- Test the design rules for your printer(s)
- Document your work and explain what are the limits of your printer ( link to group assignments )
Individual assignment:
- Design and 3D print an object (small, few cm3, limited by printer time) that could not be easily made subtractively
- 3D scan an object, try to prepare it for printing (and optionally print it)
In this assignments we will be testing the 3D printer , and design something that only can be printed by 3D and can’t be done with other subtractive tool. Testing the Ultimaker02

Test the machine and Design rules
the first task is to test the machine to make sure that it is working properly, and we did that in the group assignment
Build plate
before printing we need to adjust the build plate to make sure that its aligned correctly
from the menu click build blate
Rotate the Nozzel until it reach one millimeter away

- Rotate the screw on the left corner until it reach one millimeter away

- do the same for the write corner the screw on the left corner until it reach one millimeter away

- Now Repeat the same steps but this time slide a sheet of paper between the nozzle and the plate

Design Rules
for testing the print on the machine i found this shape in thingivers that have all the Design Rolls in one design

print it


Design new things
this is for one of my student i designed for him his project its a tool that will be used in oil and gas field , this shape will be a prototype for there project.
i used free cad to design the project for him
- first i draw the sketches of the bottom and top

- then moved the top part away from the base

- then used the loft function to link the tow parts together

- then added a pad at the base
and here is the result

Download the design from here
i also printed the design that i made in Computer Aided Design

why it could not be easily made subtractively?
this design have some details from inside which only can be made by additive fabrication and also the joint have downcut and empty space from the middle which make it also not possible with subtractive fabrication
3D Scan
I started the task by choosing the object that i want to scan, i looked around in the lab and found this, its a tool that used to picture the sun.

Finding the 3D scan software
Now i need to prepare the software that i am going to use for the 3D scans, and i was looking for something that have tutorial, i thought this will ease up the task for me because i am totally new to this topic, and i found this tutorial about 3d scan with Mashroom
Download Mashroom from here
Mashroom is free and open source photogrammetric software, From the link above download mashroom and choose the version that is relevant to your OS

Taking picture for photogrammetry
after prepare the software now I have to take picture’s of my object in order to work with the software, I tried to take picture as many as I can, I took 122 picture around the object from every angle.

Drag and drop pictures to Mashroom
Now open ashroom and drag the picture and drop it into mashroom window

the Result was not good with this software i didnt get it is it the picture or the software really , so my teacher sujested to me to use the Matter and Form 3d scanner
download the software
go to the website of Matter and Form and click download to download the software
install the software and run the machine
after that i installed it on my computer
calibrate the machine
before starting any scan you need to calibrate the machine for better result, so to do that youneed to click calibrate from the top bar

- place the scanner in a place that the light is ambient, this mean no direct or strong lights like a window , lamp or computer screen , then click next

- Then choose which calibration device you have, for me i have the card

- Then attach the base to the card

- place the card in the center and click run calibrate 1
the machine will start doing the calibration , this step is going to take a while so go grap a coffie and come back
Start scan
after the calibration finish now you can start the scan , adjust the setting for the scan , then click start scan depends on the setting it will affect the time and the quality of your scan

First scan Result
the first scan result was bad, becouse the place were the scanner was there is a sun light , sun light will affect on the quality of the scan , so i changed the place of the scanner and put it in a place with a balanced lightning

Second scan Result
so the secound scn was not satisfieing enogh so i solved the light problem but still its not good result , if you notice the scan is kind off good at the bottom and bad on the top , so i encreased the angle of the scan , and incresed the geometry setting and modified the texture setting

Third scan Result
it took more time than the previues scan , but the result is better
Final scan
here is the scan from deferent angles
Mesh the desingn
after finishing the scan its time to do the mesh for it , change the tap to mesh and click mesh