The final project is big. So needs proper planning since all fab students will be using the machines.

Table of Content

Summarise and communicate the essence of a project

I use MoSCoW (Must Could Should Would) as a planning priority method - most important on top)

  • M. Display digital information using thermocromatic ink
  • M. Make the message invisible for most but visible for a few (hidden in plain sight)
  • S. Get the wind predictions from the Internet
  • S. Show hree days forecast (this is the forecast I use now)
  • S. 10 hours of forecast (data every hour or two hours)
  • C. Practice ‘Calm design’
  • W. Create a visual beautiful result

Apply time management techniques

Planning Final project weeks

Contents of the project

  • Print
  • Paint
  • Frame
  • Heatpaths
  • MC
  • Power for ESP & Heatpaths
  • Code

Previous Fab projects using thermo inks:

  1. Textiles and Thermoink - Anastasia Tsaparoglou - Fablab Spinderihallerne in Denmark. She tried u use it on textiles, but burned the heatpaths and never was successfully. In her final project she left it out. (she named it ‘photochromic’)
  2. Responsive Furniture - Anna Fusté Lleixà - Fablab Barcelona . Used it in her Final project, to heat cabinets. Created an heatpath using a PCB. This is not an option in my project, there is no space to make long copper traces.
  3. Controlled PCB Copper Heatpath with a MOSFET - Francesca - Fablab Barcelona. She did not use PWM


Using fabric or plastic material in a poster frame dis-form the fabric to display the amount of wind.

One line displaying 3 daysEvery day another lineUsing LED’s to display the wind

Vision of my Final project

Final project - artist impression

  • Use the paintings in the frames from Dalle ore
  • Discolor the spices

Evaluate project plan

  • My project plan was well planned. But this was not in line with my planning:
    • It took less time to programm the code for getting the data
    • I took far more time debugging code
    • Screen printing was not possible, I should have been doing print (laser copier) in the first spiral
    • Documentation should be planned more. Now I sometimes had not enough at the end of the day
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