Exercise, Week 18 - Project Development


What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain? What's working? What's not?

I had created a timeline to indicate the completion of my 
Final Project . All the tasks were completed successfully and met my project designs expectation. During this project development periods, some tasks were completed early, and some tasks had been delayed or took longer time to complete. Below is my planned and actual timeline for completing my final project.


What questions need to be resolved?

I had managed to configure and use Arduino IDE for my fabricated ATMega328P microcontroller board with a 20Mhz crystal. I had to edit "boards.txt" and added "Fabkit" definitions into "boards.txt". Please refer to 
Final Project Process to understand how I configure Arduino IDE to Program ATMega328P Microcontroller Board.


I took most of my time to assemble casing of my NeoPixel Night Light (pentagon lighting panels) to form a pentagonal dodecahedron, because a slightly wrong angle in the assemble work will adds up to an inaccurate pentagonal dodecahedron. The next step was to find a better way to assemble my pentagon lighting panels, so I had designed and created 20 pieces of 3D printed mounting blocks to support the precise angles of my assembly work for the pentagon lighting panels. Please refer to 
Final Project Process to understand how I assembled casing of my NeoPixel Night Light.


What will happen when?

The material for my pentagon lighting panels initially was to use transparent acrylic sheet. Because the physical properties of this material allow light to pass through without a large scattering of light, this means that user can see through the material. But after I test illumination of LED lights on a translucent acrylic sheet (white), I discovered and confirmed the lighting effect is more appealing than the transparent acrylic sheet. Please refer to 
Final Project Result to see the illumination of LED lights on a translucent acrylic sheet (white).


What have you learned?

1. When creating a project, I had to plan my tasks early and execute them timely for me to complete my project on time. Please refer to  Applications and Implications for my planned tasks.

2. My project development works will require me to execute some of my tasks parallelly, so that I can integrate my developments work early. Please refer to  Final Project Process for my developments work.