The project development!

  • Idea concept
  • Since the beginning I wanted to make something that can be beneficial for the Household!Thus I decided to make an ULTRASONIC HUMIDIFIER as my final project *though I was thinking of making an indoor Air Monitor (IAM) but since I couldn't find the most important component here in Tunisia. And after the Spread of COVID19, things got a lot worse, So I decided to stick with my PLANB; Humidifier".

    ✨W hat's a humidifier?

    ✨And more importantly, how does an ultrasonic humidifier work?

    An ultrasonic humidifier has a lot of benefits at home. It creates moisture to the air, preventing you from developing symptoms that could threaten your health. By installing a humidifier at your home, you will be able to promote the overall health and well-being of your family while lowering your electricity bills as well. Additionally, a humidifier also helps to protect indoor plants, paint, wallpapers, furniture, and wooden floors from drying out, thereby preserving some of your most prized indoor investments.

    List of standard parts fitted in ultrasonic humidifiers

      The standard parts that are used in ultrasonic humidifiers are:
    1. Water container
    2. This is the container where the water sits. Most of these containers are equipped with sensors that inform you when the water levels are very low and needs to be refilled. It also needs to be cleaned and maintained regularly.

    3. Transducer
    4. A transducer is the machine that induces the high-rate vibrations in the water and ultimately transforms it into a vapor mist. This piece of advanced technology is the backbone of a humidifier and makes it very easy to maintain and use.

    5. Control panel
    6. As the name suggests, the control panel allows you to alter the regulation over how your humidifier works. It also lets you control how often the water should get dispersed or when should the humidifier shut down automatically.

    7. Ultrasonic generator
    8. The transducer gets its power from the ultrasonic generator. Without it, the transducer would be completely useless. The generator is also an advanced piece of technology, which sets it apart from other types of humidifiers. It is also very simple to operate.

      All the above components are co-dependent on each other and cannot function with even one item missing. These components work together to provide you with humidity and moisture in your home.


    Facts about HUMIDITY

    Humidity Levels Explained

    Everyone should understand humidity levels.
    There are two primary causes for a change in the humidity level.

  • 1. Weather
  • Cold climates usually have low humidity levels because the cold air can’t hold as much moisture. In winter, the humidity level is often lower. During summer, they are higher because the air holds more water vapor.
  • 2. Everyday Actions

  • Small tasks can affect a person’s humidity levels. Cleaning, cooking, showering, breathing, washing clothes, and dishwashing all release more moisture into the air. That means indoor humidity levels can rise.

    I decided to make it more an eye catchy , so I more like doing a humidifier in form of a lantern !!!
  • Inspiration
  • For the inspiration part, I meant to talk about the form and the design of the humidifier , so since I said Im going to make it

  • Components

    1. The Transducer(or the mist maker):
    2. This part is the essence of the entire Process:

      As my main component of the entire process, this "piece" is believed to be principle for turning water into mist using ultrasonic resonators.

    3. DHT11:

    4. RGB LED Neopixel Ring:

    5. 0.96" Inch 128x64 Oled LCD Display:

    The sketching

    The process

    Here's the full detailed process of the work








    Programming and Testing




    The list of materials for this project


    Generally speaking, the humidifier works as it's supposed to work but I still need to make a more flexible design for the it, since initially was designed for an ultrasonic mist maker. Though with the tube I designed it fitted my objective. However, some parts need to be more steady.


    I won't say that everything work perfectly, but I still need to have the atomizer work on its own, it's not a hard task to make since as I said, my first plans was to work with the ultrasonic atomizer. Plus, in my code I made the humidifier work whenever the Humidity levels is less than 90% (It didn't serve its purspose, which is adding some humidity to the air, even though it's winter her and it's the perfect season since normally the humidity tends to be so low. However, the places where I tried the codes the humidity levels were too high because of its being neqr the sea ( one where the humidity was ≈ 80%;, and the other was 94% ~ 95%)


    After finishing all the fabacademy related stuff. I have to do a further research since I'm planning to combine it with something else that can be more innovative.

    The remaining tasks I still need to do are the next:

  • Design:Doing a more appealing and practical external structur!
  • Software:I want to make an applicaion that can controls the humidifier directly, and doesn't need a specific value to work on its own

    A LOT!
    I learned to do things I've never done in my life. It was such a pleasant experience for someone with a total different background.
    My most significant thing is that I got to learn how to design things properly. Though, I still need to work more on this side,I still have a lot to work on. However, I can gladly say that when it comes to most of the problems I've got during this journey is that I learnt how to solve them on my own, since here in Tunisia we faced a lot of problems related to components and stuff, but as they said problems are opportunities in disguise. And we learnt a lot from it!

    Board of my final project
    Schematic of my final project
    design file
    the CODE of humidifier
    interior body of the design
    exteriorbody of the design