
Board design, and electronics

Personally, I decided that I'm going to start with designing the main PCB board.

Of course, my start point was the Hello board that I designed on Week 06

✨The microcontroller I was going to use

However, after a quite attempts to adjust my pins to the microcontroller and since I needed more storage for the components, I decided to go with the Atmega 328P (DATASHEET)

For the final project board, my Outputs were the OLED, the LED and my Inputs are the DHT11 and the humidifier,
However I faced a quite Problem here, that the Mist maker that I was going to use it as the essential composant for my HUMIDIFIER is that it works with a voltage of 24V and my other components work with a voltage of 5V and there's no way to have two source of power.
So if there's a 3.3V and 5V voltage regulator so basically there's something that can decrease the voltage and here I found this one that's called DC-DC Step Down Converter Module LM2596 DC 4.0~40 to 1.3-37V Adjustable Voltage Regulator

MY point was, that I the source of energy is going to use a 12V adaptor and then use a converter to feed the mist maker one side and from the other to feed the board from the other side and since I have a 5V voltage regulator, the 12 to 5V

So I made my board according to all of these!

And here as I showed in my schematic, I made a huge mistake that I didn't paid enough attention to it
my the current output is supposed to be the common one, and I forgot to delete the 5V that I put there as a note.

and I milled it without checking it !!

Halfeaway, after I completed everything, n'by everything I meant the final design and everything, I decided to go for something else completly
I decided to use a humidifier module which is pretty easy to be used and to be controlled !!

to directly use a 5V Adapter, so basically, there is no need for a Voltage regulator since the power is going to be fed directly to the board without any intermediar.

After being soldered!

And now it's the time for the othe components of the project

Board of my final project
Schematic of my final project