20. Project development

What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

I have finished the following tasks-
A. Techical Details
1. Ds18B20
2. Thingspeak
3. Wifi

B. PCB Designing

C. Designing
1. Project Body
2. Digital Thermometer Carrier

Next, I have to finish the following tasks.
A . PCB Milling and Programming the board
B. 3D printing
C. Laser Cut
D. Assmebly and Installation
E. Making final slide and video

What has worked? what hasn’t?

Individually the DS18B20 sensors have worked sending data to serial monitor and OLED. I am excited to use wifi module to send data on cloud and hope it works.

What questions need to be resolved?

The vital question in mind is whether temperature and humidity data will be enough to make the next model “Pest Predictor”? Will these 2 atmospheric conditions be reliable to predict pest attack on crop?

What will happen when?

My final project presentation is on 17th June.I downloaded MindView software to made a Gantt Chart to manage time well.

Gantt Chart file available here

What have you learned?

I am learning to manage time and deliver my project in time. The project involves majority of all the weekly projects so it’s good way to recall everything leanred in the diploma. It has been such an eneriching and learning experience because coming from the Chemistry background all the assignemnts have been new to me. I feel the sense of accomplishment and I am heading towrds being a wholesome engineer.