Machine Design

Group Assignement

  • actuate and automate your machine
  • document the group project and your individual contribution

Okay, the last week about the mechanical design my task was to design the chassis that had welcome all of the different part of the machine. Then this week, basically my task is to design and code the mother board that will be orchestrate how and when work the other boards.

Here this is a little skecth of the global electronic architcture of the machine.

electronique archi

Basically, the idea is to create our own communication protocole using the Serial communicaion. Also, the powering (12V and GND) of the differents parts pass through the connector that we created. Then we used a 6 pins (ISP type) connector, 2 pins are for the 12V, 2 pins are for the GND and 2 pins for TX and RX.

Design the electronic mother board

For this part the first thing to decide is what microcontroler we will be using.² finish finish finish finish

#define NB_STEP 8

byte mstart=98;
byte mstop=99;
byte mreceipt = 100;
byte mendtask = 101;
byte mready = 102;
byte adr_deco = 31;
byte adr_char = 11;
byte adr_pmp1 = 21;
byte adr_pmp2 = 22;
byte adr_mixverre = 41;
byte adr_mixspeed = 42;
byte debug = 92;

byte cocktail[1][9][4] ={{
                        {mstart,adr_deco,1,mstop}, //deco start
                        {mstart,adr_char,1,mstop}, //chariot pos 1
                        {mstart,adr_pmp1,50,mstop}, //pompe 1 quantité 50
                        {mstart,adr_char,2,mstop}, //chariot pos 2
                        {mstart,adr_pmp2,50,mstop}, //pompe 2 quantité 50
                        {mstart,adr_char,4,mstop}, //chariot pos 4
                        {mstart,adr_mixverre,2,mstop}, //mixeur verre taille 2
                        {mstart,adr_mixspeed,100,mstop}, //mixeur speed 100
                        {mstart,adr_deco,0,mstop} //deco stop

byte dataBuffer[4];
byte databuffertest;

void setup() {

void sendPacket(int i_cocktail, int i_state){
  //send a packet byte by byte
  int i_byte;
  for (i_byte=0;i_byte<=3;i_byte++){

void makeCocktail(int i_cocktail){
  int i_state;
  //start the recipe
  for (i_state=0;i_state<=NB_STEP;i_state++){
    int validation = 0; //0 = no validation packet received
    while (validation == 0){
      //Send a packet and wait for the validation packet, if not re-send a packet
      sendPacket(i_cocktail, i_state);
      if (Serial.available()){Serial.readBytes(dataBuffer,4);}

      if (dataBuffer[3] == mstop && dataBuffer[1]==cocktail[i_cocktail][i_state][1] && dataBuffer[2] == mreceipt){
        validation = 1;
    //Wait for the end task packet
    if (Serial.available()){Serial.readBytes(dataBuffer,4);}
      if (dataBuffer[3] == mstop && dataBuffer[1]==cocktail[i_cocktail][i_state][1] && dataBuffer[2] == mendtask){

void loop() {
   int char_ready = 0 ;
  //wait for the 2 ready packets
  while (char_ready < 1){
    if (Serial.available()){Serial.readBytes(dataBuffer,4);} 
    if (dataBuffer[3] == mstop && (dataBuffer[1]==adr_char || dataBuffer[1]==adr_mixverre) && dataBuffer[2]==mready){

byte mstart=98;
byte mstop=99;
byte mreceipt = 100;
byte mendtask = 101;
byte mready = 102;
byte adr_deco = 31;
byte adr_char = 11;
byte adr_pmp1 = 21;
byte adr_pmp2 = 22;
byte adr_mixverre = 41;
byte adr_mixspeed = 42;
byte debug = 92;

byte cocktail[1][9][4] ={{
                        {mstart,adr_deco,1,mstop}, //deco start
                        {mstart,adr_char,1,mstop}, //chariot pos 1
                        {mstart,adr_pmp1,50,mstop}, //pompe 1 quantité 50
                        {mstart,adr_char,2,mstop}, //chariot pos 2
                        {mstart,adr_pmp2,50,mstop}, //pompe 2 quantité 50
                        {mstart,adr_char,4,mstop}, //chariot pos 4
                        {mstart,adr_mixverre,2,mstop}, //mixeur verre taille 2
                        {mstart,adr_mixspeed,100,mstop}, //mixeur speed 100
                        {mstart,adr_deco,0,mstop} //deco stop


void makeCocktail(int i_cocktail){
  int i_state;
  //start the recipe
  for (i_state=0;i_state<=NB_STEP;i_state++){
    int validation = 0; //0 = no validation packet received
    while (validation == 0){
      //Send a packet and wait for the validation packet, if not re-send a packet
      sendPacket(i_cocktail, i_state);
      if (Serial.available()){Serial.readBytes(dataBuffer,4);}

      if (dataBuffer[3] == mstop && dataBuffer[1]==cocktail[i_cocktail][i_state][1] && dataBuffer[2] == mreceipt){
        validation = 1;
    //Wait for the end task packet
    if (Serial.available()){Serial.readBytes(dataBuffer,4);}
      if (dataBuffer[3] == mstop && dataBuffer[1]==cocktail[i_cocktail][i_state][1] && dataBuffer[2] == mendtask){

Realterm tutorial w8 ready SEND ACTION ack


MotherBoard brd MotherBoard sch