3D Scanning and Printing
- Test the design rules for your printer(s) (group project)
- Design and 3D print an object (small, few cm) that could not be made subtractively
- 3D scan an object (and optionally print it)
Learning outcomes:
Identify the advantages and limitations of 3D printing and scanning technology
Apply design methods and production processes to show your understanding.
Have you:
Described what you learned by testing the 3D printers
Shown how you designed and made your object and explained why it could not be made subtractively
Scanned an object
Outlined problems and how you fixed them
Included your design files and ‘hero shot’ photos of the scan and the final object
Define ‘cannot be made subtractively’
- That cannot be fabricated with 3 axis limitations OR even if it’s possible to make it, it is complicated.