Purpose - Start using blender for making simple 3D models
Blender is central to this discussion. However, 3D Modeling is at core. So, let me start with my perspective on this particular
subject - 3D Modeling.
A famous animation movie like Tom and Jerry, Popay and the ones like Bhim in India show us life-size
characters. But, how much big are they really? Against that a log-image that can printed on a paper - How much big is that?
These questions may or may not sound related. Let me keep that in reference and park for a while.
3D modeling as such
is very common to all of us - by us I mean the leaving things that can see. Or may be, also the ones that can not. When we see
a car from one of its sides, let us say the front view (bonnet facing us) we can kind of get a sense of bit this card could be, without
looking at the other sides. That's the spatial sense we get, as animals. At the other end animals like Bats, get a sense of
how much big a hurdle could be, without they being able to see at it. It seems to me that 3D modeling, as such, is a subset of
this spatial sense. So, whether the technological endavor of today's existed or not, we were always doing 3D modeling, unexpressed
may be, while making the leaving.
3D modeling in Software
Software applications, such as Autocad, Katia have been around since a long time. I remember, in India, back in late 90s and early 2000s,
some of my friends were talking about Katia, and there were only a few places, where one could get some training and/or even handle these
softwares on a personal level.
Eventually, there was Blender that I saw in 2008 for first time and just respectfuly refrained from it. Respectfully, because by then I was
aware of the open source way and its accommodative nature.
The obvious (not the best ofcourse) explanation (again, in my perspective) could be - 3D Modeling means drawing up
a set of lines - measurable, in order to make this set look like an object that one is thinking about. Whether done on paper or using
a software, it remains 3D modeling. Main requisite of 3D modeling process would
be How much big the resulting object would be?
The mathematical language and/or language of engineering drawing could ofcourse be used to express the precise definition of
3D modeling. Let me keep the scope upto this stage.
Move on to Blender Basics -
Part 2  
Part 3  
Part 4 
Part 5