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Final Project Ideas
Computer-aided design
Computer-controlled cutting
Electronics Production
3D scanning and printing
Electronics Design
Molding and Casting
Embedded Programming
Computer Controlled Cutting (Router)
Input Devices
Interface & Application Programming
Output Devices
Networking and Communications
Mechanical / Machine Design
Applications and Implications
Invention, IP, Income
Project Development
Final Project

Electronics Design

The task is to create the echo hello world board.

To create the board, Eagle 6.4.0 was downloaded and installed.

Being new to Eagle, playing around with the libraries and buttons was the first task.  To start, I created the board without drawing the schematic.  This was the more difficult approach, but at the time is seemed to be the best.

After researching what Eagle does, the schematic layout was found to be the proper way to design a circuit.  Placing the components wasn't necessary in the schematic, just ensuring the components were wired correctly.  Below is the schematic result:

Some issues / findings:
-Routing the wires in the schematic view was challenging.
-After routing a few 'wires', the method to set the name of the pins was found that would auto-route / associate the 'wires' (this simplified the schematic design)
-Using the ERC would test the circuit and find issues that needed a resolution.  Adding names and values seemed to be popular warnings.
-Finding the correct components in the libraries was a challenge.  The 6 pin header in a surface mount was hardest to find.

After the schematic was complete, the board was produced.  From the schematic, the connections were defined, traces just needed to be drawn.

A png was exported to be used in fab modules to cut out board.

Board cutout:

Soldered board: