Final project
 Project management
 Computer-aided design
 Computer-controlled cutting
 Electronics production
 3D scanning and printing
 Electronics design
 Molding and casting
 Embedded programming
 Computer-controlled machining
 Input devices
 Interface and application programming
 Output devices
 Networking and communications
 Mechanical design, machine design
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 Final project presentations
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  Electronics design 

   redraw the echo hello-world board,
   add a button and LED (with current-limiting resistor),
   check the design rules, and make it

After installing Eagle I had downloaded the Hello Echo board and schematic files and the fab libraries and install them.

Then we open Eagle, activate Hello Echo project and the FAB_Hello.lbr (go to the top toolbar, select the "Library" menu. Search FAB_Hello.lbr, right click over it and select Use)

Add the new components to the schematic file.

The new components are: a 10 K resistor, a button, a LED and a 1K resistor.

After I connect the new components with nets between then and with the attiny microcontroller I go to the board file and arrange the components and route the traces.

Now I only have to verify the design using the DRC (Design Rules Check)

And export the board design as .png to be used with the Modela.

After milling the board in the modela and soldering the components

Final files:

I also tried to make my own design using the autorouter function in Eagle.

I played with different component layouts and design rules without success

Finally I succeed using 16mil as routing grid

Final files:

I printed the circuit with the vinyl cutter.

I tried with different settings and I had the best results with a pen force(presion) of 80, velocity 2 cm/seg and +2 pen force ???

I used glass as the circuit base. Then I weed out the excess copper and began to soldering the components.

I could not finish it. The circuit traces began to stick out of the glass when I was soldering the 6-pin programming header.

I think it was because the traces were too thin and there was no enough adhesive.


How to install Eagle 6.4 in Ubuntu

To install Eagle 6.4 in Ubuntu you need to download three libraries that Eagle needs, compile them as 32-bit, install them in a local directory, and make a small script to launch Eagle. The libraries are:

First you create the directory where you want to install Eagle

mkdir /home/fab2013/.eagle
cd /home/fab2013/.eagle

You have to install some tools and libraries that are needed during the process.

If you have a 32-bit system:

sudo apt-get install build-essential perl
sudo apt-get install zlib1g zlib1g-dev

If you have a 64-bit system:

sudo apt-get install build-essential perl gcc-multilib
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32z1 lib32z1-dev

Then you should install the libraries:

  • Download the source code and unpack it.
  • Configure, build, test and install the library.
  • Verify that the  .so file shows up in /home/fab2013/.eagle/usr/lib and that is 32-bit.

libpng 1.4.x

tar zxf libpng-1.4.11.tar.gz
cd libpng-1.4.11
./configure --prefix=/home/fab2013/.eagle/usr CFLAGS=-m32
make check
make install
cd ..
file -L usr/lib/

libssl 1.0.0

tar zxf openssl-1.0.0f.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.0.0f
./Configure shared --prefix=/home/fab2013/.eagle/usr linux-generic32 -m32
make test
make install
cd ..
file -L usr/lib/
file -L usr/lib/

libjpeg v8

tar zxf jpegsrc.v8c.tar.gz
cd jpeg-8c
./configure --prefix=/home/fab2013/.eagle/usr CFLAGS=-m32
make test
make install
cd ..
file -L usr/lib/

Now you can install Eagle

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/fab2013/.eagle/usr/lib

Finally I created a script to lauch Eagle from the terminal

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/fab2013/.eagle/usr/lib

Make it executable and added a symlink to it in the .bin directory

chmod a+x
cd /home/fab2013/.bin
ln -s /home/fab2013/.eagle/ /bin/eagle

You can find a more in depth tutorial here

Epifanio L. Cueva © 2013