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All the changes since week 3 and how the idea has improved

from a lightstick to a concert at home

i d e a w e e k 1
Idea evolved in week 3

I decided for making a lightstick lamp for home. In order to have another use for the lightstick when I am not at a concert and still react to music and have replaceable logos. However I still wanted to make something with art and its connecton with music and not just another lightstick with just replaceable logo.

a f t e r w e e k 3

Idea of pieces of color light to make an sculpture

That is how with the assignment in week 3 I tought about decomposing the form of a lightstick and to think about it as a puzzle or as a free composition as a sculpture I can make with limited pieces of different colors, that when I connect change and diffuse color so I can manage the color palette I want to react to music frecuency while listening to music at home and make my day by ay more exciting

w e e k 4 l e d s

The embedded programming week helped me try for the first time to programm leds controlled by a button or switch. As the lightstick sculpture will work with one of them.