About Me

Photo of Manuel Ignacio Ayala Chauvin

Manuel Ignacio Ayala Chauvin

Electromechanical Engineer | PhD in Sustainability | Researcher in Energy Optimization and Big Data

I am an Electromechanical Engineer with a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Equipment and a PhD in Sustainability from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC-Barcelona Tech). My expertise lies in energy flow optimization, industrial equipment design, and data-driven decision-making. I have collaborated with the Center for Industrial Equipment Design (CDEI-UPC) and have led multidisciplinary research projects funded at national and international levels. I am a professor, Director of Research at Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, and an active member of the Sustainability Collective – Energy, Society, Economy, and Environment.

Research and Publications


1. Big Data Analysis & Its Impact on Society, Education, and Industry

Role: Project Leader, Universidad Indoamérica

2. Technological Innovations in the Paja Toquilla Value Chain

Role: Project Leader, Universidad Indoamérica

Technical Skills

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