About me
I share my passion for electronics and programming.
From Ideas to Reality
In Japan, there has been an increase in the number of random stabbings recently. People who have nothing to do with the incident are being stabbed unexpectedly and it is making the news. Even if I think about it by replacing myself with the person who was stabbed, I feel uneasy that it cannot be prevented. This is because people can only recognize what is in front of them, and the range of what they can recognize is only 200 degrees, so there is a large blind spot behind them.
When I was thinking about whether there was a good solution, I found a good solution in the main character of the manga Golgo 13. The manga Golgo 13 is a manga that has been recognized by the Guinness World Records as having the largest number of publications for a single manga series in the world, with 201 volumes.
The main character in the manga 'Golgo 13' is a top-class sniper with the code name 'Golgo 13', whose real name is unknown. He boasts a success rate of almost 100% not only in sniping, but also in hand-to-hand combat and sabotage, but despite his stern appearance, he is actually a very cautious person who could even be called a coward. Because of his cowardice, he never lets anyone stand behind him. Here was the hint.
In other words, if I can detect and repel others behind me like Golgo 13, the problem will be solved.
Never stand behind him
The name of my final project is the Golgo 13 Machine. It is a machine that monitors the area behind it with a millimeter wave radar sensor and alerts you when someone approaches.
Final Project Sketch1
Final Project Sketch2
3D model created with Fusion.