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week2. Computer-Aided Design


  • model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, …) a possible final project
  • compress your images and videos
  • and post a description with your design files on your class page

Golgo 13 Machine

The name of my final project is the Golgo 13 Machine. It is a machine that monitors the area behind it with a millimeter wave radar sensor and alerts you when someone approaches. Golgo 13 never lets anyone stand behind him. I got the idea from that.

Final Project Sketch1golgo13_machine_slsketch.jpg

Final Project Sketch2back_view_with_golgo13_machine.jpgg

3D model creation

The aim is to create a 3D model of the sketch for the Final Project.

Vizcom AI

First, I tried to see if I could create the desired 3D model using Vizcom AI.


I used Prompt to generate the image that would become the basis for the 3D model.

a (samurai's) pillbox Inro


The image output from the prompt did not turn out quite as I had hoped. I think I could have made it more like the image if I had used it more, but I gave up because the free version only allows you to create a 3D model once.

Creating 3D models with Fusion

This time, I tried to see if I could create the desired 3D model using Fusion.

Create a sketch

First, I drew the oval shape of the base. first_oval.jpg

Sketch Extrusion

The sketch was extruded to create a 3D model. first_extrusion.jpg

Create a sketch on a cylinder

Make a sketch on the cylinder and create the joint with the lid. sketch2.jpg

Reverse Extrusion of the sketch on the cylinder

Reverse extrude the outer circumference of the sketch on the cylinder to make it concave. reverse_extrusion1.jpg

The inner circumference of the sketch on the cylinder is hollowed out by reverse extrusion. reverse_extrusion2.jpg

Making the lid

Similarly, create a cylinder for the lid. lid1.jpg

Lid and body joint

After joining the lid and body, use the “Cut” operation of the “Join” command to cut out the lid's cylinder in the form of a joined sentence of the body. lid2.jpg

Hole in the lid

Carve out everything except the part that connects to the body. lid3.jpg

Make a hole for the string to go through.

Make two holes for the string to tie the body and lid together. make_a_hole.jpg

3D model created with Fusion

There is a hole for the string to tie the body and lid together. Thread the cord through this hole to attach the body and lid together.
3D model Download

Creating animations with Fusion

Animate the 3D model created in Fusion.

Switching work spaces

Change the workspace from design to animation. change_animation.jpg

Animation creation

Using “Transform Components”, we will create an animation for each component to make the 3D model's structure easier to understand. create_animation.jpg

Animation check

We will check the animation created using “ANIMETION TIMELINE” for any problems. animetion_timeline.jpg

Export animation

Select “PUBLISH VIDEO” to export the animation I just created as a video file. publish_video.jpg

Compress video file

To optimize video files for web use, you should compress them. One effective tool for this is ffmpeg, a powerful open-source multimedia framework. Here’s a simple command to compress a video file.

ffmpeg -i Inrou_cover_and_body.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -preset medium -vf scale=-2:1080 -acodec libmp3lame -q:a 4 -ar 48000 -ac 2 output_inrou.mp4

Compressed animation of 3D models

Animation of 3D models created in Fusion.


niji・journey is an AI service that can generate 2D illustrations such as anime and manga. It was developed jointly by Spellbrush and Midjourney. I will create a logo for my class page using niji journy.

Create a Discord account

I already had an account, so I logged in to that account.

Search for the niji journy server

Click on the compass icon at the bottom of the server list (on the left-hand side bar) to display the server discovery tab, and search for niji journy in the search bar at the top right. server_discovery_tab.jpg

Select the “/subscribe” prompt

Select one of the “#Generate Image” options on the left side of the screen, enter /subscribe in the message input box at the bottom of the screen, and select the “/subscribe” prompt. subscribe.jpg

Click on 'open subscription page'.

Then you will get a response like this, so press 'open subscription page'. open_subscription_page.jpg

Join a paid plan

The price plan will be displayed, so select the appropriate price plan. manage_subscription.jpg

Select the “/subscribe” prompt

Select one of the '#Generate Image' options on the left side of the screen, enter /imagine in the message input box at the bottom of the screen, and select the '/imagine' prompt. imagine.jpg

Enter the content to be generated.

This will put you into text input mode, so enter the text.

Agree to the terms of service.

Before starting image generation, you will be asked to agree to the terms of service, so I agree to the terms of service.

Generate Golgo 13 images

I selected the “/imagine” prompt again and entered the following prompt to generate a Golgo 13 image.

Golgo 13 Don't Stand Behind Me

The result was more like a yakuza than Golgo 13.


Regenerate image 1

This time, I entered the following prompt in order to generate an image that was inspired by Golgo 13, rather than an image of Golgo 13.

skull wearing a crown of thorns

Looking at the results, it was generated as per the prompt I entered, but when I actually saw it, I wanted it to generate the upper body as well.


Regenerate image 2

This time, I also generated the upper body, so I entered the following prompt.

The upper body of a skeleton wearing a crown of thorns, looking down at the lower left

Looking at the results, they were generated exactly as the prompts I entered.


Regenerate image 3

Press the 'U2' button to increase the variation of images by changing the style of the second image that is generated. u2.jpg

Next, press the 'Vary (Strong)' button. The second image style of the generated image has increased the variation of images. vary(strong).jpg

Regenerate image 4

I like the first image that was generated, so I press the 'U1' button. u1.jpg

Regenerate image 5

Press the Upscale (Creative) button to add new details to the finer parts and increase the resolution. Looking at the results, we can see that the images have been successfully enhanced to a high resolution. upscale(Creative).jpg



Use GIMP to modify the images generated using niji journy.

Open image in GIMP

Open the generated image in GIMP. gimp.jpg

Select a range with a square of the specified size.

Select “Rectangular Selection” from the top left column. Make the setting as follows, and then change the number under “Top left corner coordinates” in the bottom left column to move the square.

  • Click “Fixed” and then select “Aspect ratio”.
  • Click the left check box and put a cross mark in it.
  • Enter “1:1” in the box under “Fixed Aspect ratio”.


Crop the image to a square

Select “Image” on the menu bar, then “Crop to Selection”.


Create a transparent image by cutting out the background of an image

After selecting “Layer” > “Transparency” > “Add Alpha Channel” from the menu bar, click on the fuzzy selection. Click on the area you want to cut out of the background, and the background will be “selected”. Select “delete” from the “edit” menu bar to delete the background. cut_out_a_square2.jpg

Save the transparent image

Select “File” on the menu bar, then “Export as...” In the pop-up “Export image as PNG”, press Export with the settings as they are.
GIMP File Download


Compress images modified with GIMP using WebP.

Installing WebP

Install using brew.

brew install webp

Convert to webp format

Use the cwebp command to convert to webp format.

cwebp -q 90 logo.png -o logo.webp

Logo converted to webp format

This is a logo converted to the webp format.



I use favicon.ico. to create a favicon from logo.png.

Click on “PNG → ICO”.

On the favicon.ico top page, click “PNG → ICO”.


Convert PNG to ICO file

Drag and drop logo.png and press the “Download” button.


Extract the zip file

Unzip the zip file to get the ico file.

Unzip the zip filefaviconico3.jpg

get the ico filefaviconico4.jpg

Set the favicon

Place favicon.ico in the public directory and set it as the site's favicon in config.mts.


Favicon file

This is the logo converted to favicon format.
Favicon File Download


Vector graphics are images that are drawn based on mathematical formulas and calculations. Because vectors are drawn using mathematical formulas, the image quality does not deteriorate no matter how much you enlarge or shrink it. This makes them ideal for designs that are used in various sizes, such as logos and icons.


Let's try turning an image created in Illustrator for use as a logo into a vector image.

Open PNG image

Open logo.png in Illustrator.


Trace a PNG image

Click the “Trace” button in the “Image Trace” tab.


Save as a vector image

The traced image is saved in svg format, which is a vector image file format.

Traced imageillustrator3.jpg

Save as svgillustrator4.jpg


The following are vector images created in Illustrator and the original AI format files.
AI File Download



  • I tried to create an illustration of Golgo 13 using niji・journey, but it didn't work. Apparently, it seems that you can't generate copyrighted characters. However, I was able to generate a cool illustration inspired by Golgo 13, so I'm very satisfied.

  • I first learned that it was possible to create 3D model videos using Fusion while working on this assignment. I thought that showing 3D in video form was a very good way to do it.