Final Project Proposal

Aema Chhim's Sung[Story]

My high school is situated on the top of a mountain that is very windy and chilly throughout the year. This year, with the introduction of greenhouses and hydroponics, I saw an opportunity to take things a step further. Growing crops in our cold mountainous region is challenging, but what if we could create a greenhouse that adapts to the environment?

That’s when the idea of Aema Chhim was born. Instead of a regular greenhouse structure, Mr.Rico suggested me to design something creative—and I decided to create an animal carrying a greenhouse on its back, representing resilience and sustainability. It is of no secret that spices are not a flavour but a neccessity in Bhutan, I envisioned a smart automated greenhouse that ensures optimal conditions for chili plants, even in harsh weather.

With this project, I’m integrating 2D and 3D design, digital fabrication, embedded systems, and automation. The goal is to create a self-sustaining system that regulates temperature, humidity, and irrigation—making it a practical solution for growing chilies in Pangbisa’s cold climate.


1. What does it do?
Aema Chhim's project is mainly a prototype for a smart automated greenhouse designed to cultivate chilies (aema) in Pangbisa’s or any other cold mountainous climate. It regulates temperature, humidity, and soil moisture using sensors and automation, ensuring optimal conditions for chili plants to thrive.

2. Who’s done what beforehand?
3. What did you design?

4. What materials and components were used?

5. Where did they come from?

6. How much did they cost?

8. What processes were used?

9. What questions were answered?

10. What worked? What didn’t?

11. How was it evaluated?

12. What are the implications?