
Vigyan Ashram

Input Devices

Input Devices

This week is dedicated to Input devices, focusing on understanding the different types of sensers and probe an input device's analog level and digital signals on our board which we have design,machined,and soldered.


- Probe an input device's analog levels and digital signals

Hero Shots for this week

Probed an Input devices for analog and digital signals

IR senser

To probe the digital signal of an IR senser which we used as an input device for our microcontroller board. After connection we done programming in Ardino IDE and our IR senser get working and gives the output in 1 or 0 for device detected and device not detected.

First we setup the DSO (Digital Storage Oscilloscope) by using the function buttons like set current-voltage range 5V then set the time 200ms/div, position by connecting the ground clip to the ground on PCB and signal pin to GPIIO pin 10 on the xiao ESP32C3 board.

Then waveform is formed by movement of our hand by keeping it near and away from the IR senser.

LED Blink


During this assignment we studied different Input devices and probe digital signal of an IR senser.