
Vigyan Ashram

Output Devices

Computer Controlled Machining

This week is dedicated to Output devices, focusing on understanding the different types of output devices and calculation of power consuption required to run that devices. We have design,machined,and soldered one pcb and made connections to connect the output devices on it.


- Understanding the different output devices
- To understand and measure the power consumption required for different output devices.

Hero Shots for this week

Different types of output devices

DC motor
Temperature senser
OLED Display

For this assignment we have measured power consumption of DC Motor and LED

DC Motor

We connected DC motor to the connector on PCB board and ran the motor after programming the board through Arduino IDE. First we measured current in series and then voltage across parallel connection.

Power Consumption of DC motor

=The measured voltage (V) for the DC motor X the value of current required (I)

= 4.940 V X 0.0444 A

=0.2194 Watts


During this assignment we studied different output devices and also about the power consumption required for running those device. We understand the use of multimeter that how to measure voltage and current and calculations for Power consumption.