Output devices

Unfortunately, for this week, I couldn't use my Week 8 board because it was missing pins. So, I decided to create a new board to try this week.

Team Practice

Here its the link of our team practice.


    Microcontroller Attiny 44
    Led red color
    Resistor 1k - 2 pieces
    Button 1 piece

    This ones and a Arduino 1 are the components that I used thius week for my output device

    KiCad PCB desing

    Just like in Week 8, I used KiCad to design my schematic and PCB. I basically used the same components, but with the Attiny 44 microcontroller to learn with a different one.

    Image 3 Image 3


    For etching and cutting my board, I used Rolan PCB as in previous times, along with the mods program to generate the RML format.

    Image 3 Image 3 Image 3 Image 3


    For soldering, I follow my design and place the majority of my pins on ground, 5V voltage, and the remaining pins of my Attiny44.

    Image 3 Image 3


    Programming was different from previous times because this time I used the Arduino UNO. I took into account the use of the Attiny 44 to understand everything about the outputs, as I used an OLED screen for my output.

    STEP 1

    Install the Attiny 44 library in my Arduino IDE.

    Image 3 Image 3 Image 3

    STEP 2

    Then program the Arduino as an ISP, where an Arduino ISP example is loaded and connected to the computer to load it.

    Image 3 Image 3 Image 3

    STEP 3

    Then configure the Attiny board, clock, and programmer to be used.

    Image 3 Image 3 Image 3 Image 3

    STEP 4

    At this point, I connect the pins of my new board to the Arduino using jumpers.

    Image 3 Image 3

    STEP 5

    Once everything is selected, I select the option to burn the bootloader to be able to use the Arduino as a programmer for the Attiny 44.

    Image 3 Image 3 Image 3

    STEP 6

    Once this is ready, I connect my OLED screen to the 5V, GROUND, SDA, SCL inputs to the corresponding pins.

    Image 3 Código HTML Creativo

    STEP 7

    I design my code to display text on my OLED, in this case, it was my name and the week of work.

    // Incluir bibliotecas #include <TinyWireM.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> #include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h> // Definir tamaño de la pantalla OLED #define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 // Ancho de la pantalla OLED en píxeles #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64 // Alto de la pantalla OLED en píxeles // Inicializar el objeto OLED con la dirección I2C adecuada Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &TinyWireM, OLED_RESET); void setup() { // Iniciar comunicación I2C TinyWireM.begin(); // Inicializar la pantalla OLED if(!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C)) { // Dirección I2C 0x3C (cambiar si es necesario) Serial.println(F("No se pudo inicializar la pantalla OLED con la dirección 0x3C")); for(;;); } // Limpiar la pantalla display.clearDisplay(); // Mostrar texto en la pantalla OLED display.setTextSize(1); display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE); display.setCursor(0, 0); display.println("Fab Lab Valeria"); display.println("Arellano Week09"); // Actualizar la pantalla display.display(); } void loop() { // Aquí no hay nada en el bucle loop // El texto permanecerá estático

    STEP 8

    I upload my design to Arduino, and it works.

    Image 3

    Get in touch
