Hey there sis, welcome to this week's assignment where we're gonna learn everything about output devices. Let´s do it together!

For this week’s dazzling project, I’ll design a chic electronic board featuring an ESP8266 microcontroller that will turn on a lamp with the help of a relay. I won’t use the WiFi on the ESP8266, just its microcontroller capabilities.

So I know what y´all are thinking WHAT IS AN OUTPUT DEVICE?!!💻

An output device is a component or module that receives electrical signals from a microcontroller or microprocessor and translates these signals into a specific physical action or response. This action can be visual, auditory, mechanical, or any other form that provides tangible feedback.

So for this week´s assignment🌸✨I´m doing a sleek, elegant setup where the ESP8266 microcontroller, though not flaunting its WiFi powers this time, commands transistors and relays with the grace of a runway model. This board will turn on and off a lamp with such sophistication, it’ll be the envy of all my tech friends.

An output device is all about taking commands from the microcontroller and translating them into real world actions. Here’s why our setup fits the bill

Digital to Physical The ESP8266 sends digital signals (on/off commands).
Signal AmplificationTransistors amplify these signals to control the relays.
Action The relays physically switch the lamp on or off.

This sleek electronic design features the ESP8266 at its core. While it's not using its WiFi capabilities this time, the ESP8266 skillfully controls a lamp, making it shine brightly. Here's how it works The ESP8266 sends 3.3V signals to an optocoupler, which isolates and protects the microcontroller from the high power components. ▶️Control with Precision --> The optocoupler activates a transistor, which acts as a switch for the relay. The relay, in turn, controls the lamp, deciding when it turns on and off. ▶️Reliable Protection --> Protection diodes are added around each relay coil to safeguard the transistors and the ESP8266 from voltage spikes, ensuring the components remain safe and functional. ▶️Programming with Ease --> The ESP8266 is programmed using a board with a CH340 chip, which allows for easy and reliable programming. This setup ensures that the lamp operates smoothly, turning on and off as desired.


Our group weekly task ---->

  • Puebla´s Fab academy ✨OUTPUT week
  • Imagen 1

    How does this work?

    So this is a pretty cute summary about how this is going to work guuuuuurl👩🏽‍💻