Interface and application programming

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During this week at Fab Academy, I focused on creating a graphical interface using PyQt5 and QtDesigner. Below, I detail the steps I followed to install the necessary tools and the process I used to design and develop the interface.

Steps to Create a Virtual Environment on Windows

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to a folder where you will create the project.
  2. Inside the folder, run the following command: python -m venv venv
  3. Then activate the virtual environment with this command: call venv/Scripts/activate
  4. Within the virtual environment, install the libraries you will use:
    • Install PyQt5 with the following command: pip install PyQt5
    • Install PyQt5 Tools to use QtDesigner with the following command: pip install pyqt5-tools
    • Use the command pip list to verify that the libraries were installed.
    • As a best practice, use the command pip freeze > requirements.txt in case you work in a collaborative environment in the future.
  5. To use QtDesigner, open your file explorer and find the folder where you created the project.
  6. Enter the virtual environment folder named venv.
  7. Then follow these steps to find the bin folder:
    • venv -> Lib -> site-packages -> Qt -> bin
  8. Inside the folder, find the designer application file.
  9. To avoid having to repeat these steps, right-click and send it to the Desktop as a shortcut.

Creating the Interface with QtDesigner

  1. Open QtDesigner.
  2. QtDesigner Create New Form

  3. A window appears in the middle of the screen; select the Create option.
  4. QtDesigner Main Window

  5. Then you can access all the QtDesigner tools.
  6. QtDesigner Widget Box

  7. Initially, a main window with a default size appears, but you can change it.
  8. Object Inspector and Properties

  9. On the left, we have the tools we will use to create the interface.
  10. On the right, we have the property editor to edit and modify different parameters of the tools we use.
  11. Resize the main window, on the right side , width 574 and height 439.
  12. Resize Main Window

  13. To start with the interface, we will use the following elements :
    • 2 PushButton
    • 7 QLabel
    • 1 Spin Box
    • 1 Text Edit
    • 1 Widget
  14. Interface Elements

  15. After adding all the objects to use, the next step was to arrange and name the objects.
  16. This is done to later add styles to each element. The process is very similar to adding styles to a web page; they are CSS styles.
  17. To add styles, it is important to correctly name the object. For example, the style of a button looks like this .
  18. QtDesigner Edit Style Sheet

  19. This is repeated with all objects.
  20. After testing and trying different styles, the result looks like this .
  21. Final Interface Result

  22. Then we save the project in the folder where we installed PyQt5 as interfaz.ui.
  23. In the command console, we run the following command to convert from .ui to .py: pyuic5 -x interfaz.ui -o
  24. contains the Python code for the interface. To avoid adding too much code to it, we create another file called Here, we will have all the logic. Additionally, if we want to modify the interface in QtDesigner, we will need to repeat step 15, and everything in will change. Therefore, it is important to separate the logic into another file.

Arduino Integration

Below is the Arduino code used to control a servo motor with the ESP32:

                // Define the servo pin
                const int servoPin = D0; // Change this pin according to your setup
                // Create a servo object
                Servo myServo;
                int position = 90; // Initialize the angle in the center
                void setup() {
                  // Initialize serial communication
                  // Attach the servo to the pin
                  // Initialize the servo to the center position
                  // Print instructions
                  Serial.println("Enter an angle between 0 and 180 degrees:");
                void loop() {
                  // Check if data is available to read
                  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
                    // Read the incoming value
                    String input = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
                    input.trim();  // Remove whitespace
                    if (input == "R") {
                      position = 180;
                    } else if (input == "L") {
                      position = 0;
                    } else {
                      int newPosition = input.toInt();
                      if (newPosition >= 0 && newPosition <= 180) {
                        position = newPosition;
                    Serial.print("Servo moved to: ");

You can download the code by clicking here.

Library Installation

  1. Install the pyserial library in cmd with the command pip install pyserial.
  2. The requirements file contains all the libraries. Use the command pip install -r requirements.txt to download all the libraries.

With these steps, I managed to create and design a functional interface using PyQt5 and QtDesigner. The process was enriching and allowed me to delve deeper into using these tools for future projects at Fab Academy.


  1. download code clicking here .

  2. download interfaz QT and .py