1. Principles and practices and Project management¶
Assignment :¶
- Principles and Practices
- Plan and sketch a potential final project.
- Project Management
- Build a personal site describing you and your final project.
- Upload it to the class archive.
- Work through a git tutorial.
Idea of my final project¶
For my final project, I decided to make a medical emergency bracelet. This bracelet, which I named MEDICO-ARMILLIS 1.0, is a medical monitoring bracelet for people suffering from chronic illnesses. It is also an emergency alert bracelet (in case of crisis for certain pathologies).
The idea for this project came to me as a result of a disturbing observation. According to the world’s health authorities, more than 60% of deaths in the event of a crisis could have been avoided if the patient had been treated quickly.
In 2012 I saw my friend die of a seizure because he hadn’t received the care he needed. Based on this situation and all the other observations I made, I wanted to create this project to help prevent such situations.
Sketch of my final project¶
Components needed for my final project¶
- DS18B20 sensor
- Pulse Oximeter Sensor
- Phone screen
- ESP32 Board
- https://fabacademy.org/2021/labs/waag/students/philip-hozier/
- https://how2electronics.com/iot-based-patient-health-monitoring-esp32-web-server/
how to create our website ?🤔¶
To build our website, we will be using MkDocs, a static site generator. The site’s source files will be written in Markdown and configured using a single YAML configuration file.
FIRST STEP : installing mkdocs on windows PC💻¶
To install MkDocs on our Windows PC, we first need to make sure that we have the latest version of Python installed. choose the latest version.
During this installation, we’ll need to check the “Add python.exe to path” box before proceeding with the installation, as illustrated in the image below.
Once Python has been installed, we can now install MkDocs. Open the command prompt on our computer and enter the following command: pip install mkdocs
If the operation goes smoothly, we should see this displayed in our command prompt.
SECOND STEP : Use of an MkDocs model¶
To develop our website, we have adopted the model accessible via the following link : Mkdocs model
Once you have downloaded the template in file format (.zip), extract it into the directory of your choice. To make local changes to the template, you need certain basic elements.
To use the model we downloaded (Material for MkDocs theme), we need to install it in phyton. To do this we need to enter the command line pip install mkdocs-material in our command prompt
then install the mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin. To do this we need to enter the pip install mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin
command line in our command prompt.
Now that we have everything we need, we can launch our site locally. To do this we need to open our command prompt and enter the command cd "path to your project"
. Then we enter the following command mkdocs serve
to start the MkDocs server locally. We should see the image below. Copy the URL underlined in red and paste it into our browser.
After launching it in our browser, we will see the following interface.
THIRD STEP : Modifications to our site¶
We’re going to use VScode to modify our site. We’re going to open our site’s repository with VScode.
We can now click on mkdocs.yml and make our modifications to the form (colours and text…)
By clicking on the other folders we can modify the background of our site
To develop our web pages, we will be using Markdown. This is a lightweight mark-up language that allows formatting elements to be added to plain text documents. Files use the *.md extension. Here are some examples of the basic Markdown syntax that we will use to edit our web pages.
FIST STEP : Instaling GIT¶
To install GIT, click here and choose the windows option.
SECOND STEP : Cloning the gitlab repository¶
To carry out this operation we need to :
Create an empty folder in the location of your choice “avoid long paths”.
Open GitBash on our PC and type the command line :
cd "path of the folder created below"
Initialize a new Git repository :
git init
Add our Git username and define our email address :
git config --global user.name "our_username"
Let’s set up the download e-mail address :
git config --global user.email "our_email@exemple.com
Generate our SSH key :
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "our_email"
Let’s take a look at our keygen :
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Copy our SSH key to display it in our Gitbash
I’ve hidden my SSH key because it must not be guessed for security reasons.
- Open GitLab > Account > Preferences > SSH Keys > paste in the contents of the file you have created
Let’s open the folder on our computer where we’ll be working. Right-click > Git Bash here
use the command :
git clone <repository path to clone>.
To obtain the path: open the Git repository to be cloned > Clone :
THIRD STEP : Upload repository online¶
To upload the online repository, we need :
Add the new files we’ve added to gitlab :
git add index.html to upload file by file
orgit add . to upload all the files at once
Name our update, so we know what we’ve changed with this push :
git commit -m ‘change we did’
Download repository :
git push
We’ve finished our site and it’s now online. We’ll have to wait three minutes before we can see the results online.
Helpful links :