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Electronics production

Group assignment:

  • Characterize the design rules for your in-house PCB production process: document feeds, speeds, plunge rate, depth of cut (traces and outline) and tooling.

  • extra credit: send a PCB out to a board house

  • Document your work to the group work page and reflect on your individual page what you learned

As a small milling machine, the SRM-20 combines compactness and power at an affordable price. It simplifies the production of realistic parts and prototypes, easily adapting to any office, home or classroom environment. This portable milling machine is capable of machining a variety of materials such as modeling wax, chemical wood, foam, acrylic, polyacetate, ABS and printed circuit boards.

Line test traces

To begin the milling process, we consulted the Line Test design to adjust the speeds and parameters needed to get precise lines on our boards. We caught up with Lorena Delgado from FabLab Leon, who had already worked on it in 2021.

We used the online mods CE software to define the correct machine parameters and milling tool path.

here are the steps: Programs > Open program > SRM-20 mill 2D PCB

click on select png file and choose your file

to define the parameters, follow this path. go to define PCB default parameters> milling paths (1/64) (to choose tool cutting parameters). then go to the Roland SRM-20 milling module. enter the value 0 for each axis coordinate reference (0,0,0). Set jog height to 12. To save the file, insert the additional save file block from Modules > Open Server module > File / Save .

Line test preview

For contour cutting, the same steps simply mill the contour (1/32) rather than milling traces.

click again on select png file and import the file for cutting the plate.

click on Invert to tell the machine that this is a cut.

Follow the same procedure as above, but in the module for defining PCB default parameters, select milling paths (1/32).

Files source

File for electronic circuit

On the machine

If you refer to my website Droh Koffi Sylvain you’ll find all the information you need on how to set up the pastes and cut the card.