
Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.

Prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB) and put them in your website's root directory

All the important links are Here

Learning outcomes

  • Develop a plan to share your work
  • Formulate future opportunities and/or development for your final project
  • Individual Assignment

    Design and produce something with a digital process (incorporating computer-aided design and manufacturing) not covered in another assignment, documenting the requirements that your assignment meets, and including everything necessary to reproduce it.

    Below are my video clip and summary slide. But they are not the draft they are the final clip and slide.

    Your Image Description

    Dissemination Plan

    For now, I have made the Seldon Moenlam player for my personal use. But if I plan to commercialize it below are some ways to raise awareness on my Seldon Moenlam Player.


    Short-Term Objective: My goal is to raise awareness and cultivate spiritual practices among Bhutanese households and monasteries through the introduction of the smart butterlamp chamber. This innovative device preserves our cultural traditions while enhancing spiritual experiences with modern technology.

    Cultural Significance and Spiritual Enhancement

    My Message

    Preserving our Cultural Heritage: I believe in integrating modern technology with traditional practices, ensuring the smart butterlamp chamber upholds the cultural heritage of Bhutanese households and monasteries.

    Enhancing Spiritual Experience: My device enhances spiritual journeys by seamlessly integrating into religious rituals. It ensures prayers are accompanied by soothing sounds from the DFPlayer when the butterlamp is lit, and the prayer wheel spins naturally from the butterlamp's rising heat.

    My Strategies

    Educational Content: I aim to create educational materials explaining the cultural significance of butterlamp chambers in Bhutanese culture. I emphasize how my smart version respects tradition while offering technological benefits.

    Leveraging Online Platforms

    My Message

    Student Initiative: As a student, I am passionate about preserving Bhutanese cultural heritage through innovative solutions like the smart butterlamp chamber.

    Collaboration Opportunities: I leverage my academy's connections within the Bhutanese education system to engage teachers, fellow students, and alumni in supporting and amplifying awareness of my project.

    Implementation Ideas

    I promote engagement within Bhutanese communities by utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for advertising and creating compelling videos about the smart butterlamp chamber. Through these channels, I showcase the cultural significance and spiritual enhancements of the device, aiming to captivate and educate my audience. Additionally, I leverage Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS) to extend my reach through informative broadcasts and visually appealing presentations, ensuring widespread awareness and appreciation for this innovative integration of tradition and technology.


    By actively engaging with the community through discussions and direct interactions, I aim to deepen understanding and appreciation for the smart butterlamp chamber. This approach will help me tailor my outreach efforts effectively to resonate with Bhutanese households and monasteries, ensuring the project's cultural significance and spiritual enhancement are well-received and understood.

    Licensing Information for My Smart Butterlamp Chamber Project

    Why I Chose the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License

    I have chosen to apply the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license to my smart butterlamp chamber project. This license aligns with my intention to share my project's documentation and allow adaptations while ensuring certain conditions are met:

    • Adaptations and Sharing: Adaptations of my work can be shared with others under the same license, ensuring that any derivative works maintain the same openness and share-alike principles.
    • Non-Commercial Use: The license restricts commercial uses of my work, ensuring that it remains accessible for non-commercial purposes only. This aligns with my current intention of developing the project for personal use and documentation purposes, with no immediate plans for commercialization.

    License Details

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

    Additional Information

    For now, I do not plan on commercializing the smart butterlamp chamber project. By choosing the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, I aim to encourage collaboration, adaptation, and sharing within the non-commercial community while retaining control over the commercial use of my project. This approach supports my goal of documenting and potentially sharing my innovative solution to enhance cultural and spiritual practices with modern technology.

    Future Possibilities and Steps to Achieve Them

    Hosting a Web Server on Xiao Device

    Incorporating a web server on the Xiao device represents a forward-looking opportunity for the smart butterlamp chamber. This advancement could enable remote monitoring and control capabilities, allowing users to access and manage the device from anywhere with internet connectivity.

    Creating an App for Users

    Developing a mobile application would allow users to control the smart butterlamp chamber remotely, adjust prayers, and manage volume settings.

    Fire Detection and Prevention Features

    Adding sensors to detect overheating or fire caused by the butterlamp, and integrating automated responses to mitigate risks.

    Enhanced Durability

    Consider redesigning the top base of the smart butterlamp chamber with durable wood to increase longevity and aesthetic appeal.

    Steps to Achieve These Goals

    • Research and Learning: Invest time in learning about relevant technologies such as web server hosting, app development, IoT sensors, and material science for durability.
    • Prototyping and Testing: Start with small-scale prototypes to validate concepts and gather feedback from potential users or stakeholders.
    • Collaboration: Collaborate with known experts from the fab community and friends currently enrolled in the Fab Academy course to refine designs and functionalities.