Wildcard Week

Design and produce something with a digital process not covered in another assignment, documenting the requirements that your assignment meets, and including everything necessary to reproduce it. Possibilities include but are not limited to wildcard week examples.

Testing AI and failing

So for this week my first choice was to try to make something with AI. I did a lot of research and started to test it. I found out about this thing called “Edge Impulse” that allows you to create little machine learning algorithms to put inside embedded devices. I found a video and many hacksterio articles that helped me understand a bit how the whole thing works. 

Well, I installed a VM and linux and everything to start testing this, I learned how to build and upload c++ programs to the raspberry, and then wanted to try the example with an accelerometer, but sadly nothing seemed to go like I needed it to. I kinda gave up on it because of time constraints and went on a different route. 

Trying a new approach

One of the teachers in the Lab already did the Academy a few years back, and she pointed to me about this technique of making garments using the laser to cut patters and also by not sewing, but actually making the fasteners as well. I found it interesting and wanted to test it out. 

She sent me her work that she did for her Final Project, which is like a coverlet to put on top of her machine. 

I wanted to test it out so here goes that.

Making a test

She sent me the file she made so I downloaded it and checked it out. 

The second page was the coverlet, so I opened it in Inkscape to have it saved as a dxf. 

With that I went to the laser and put the speed in 100 and the power in 60 and used this fabric that was already in the lab, its kind of like fleece very thick.

I tried to grab the thing and attach it to a panel to make it flat using some masking tape.

After making that part, I prepared the laser and did the cut.

When that finished I grabbed all of the parts that came from it.

Here it is how it looks:

I actually really enjoyed this process and wanted to see if I could make some kind of tote bag for my project.

Making my own design

So here is where I measured my design and came up with some type of bag following the ideas that the sides need to be stitched together with this little thingies that look like ribbons. 

I used Fusion to create my design and honestly I thought it will be a smooth and easy process, but I went through 3 iterations before actually landed in one that could be assembled. 

The first one had the little holes on the side of the stitches too big.

I went back to change my design and tried it again, but I realized that the stitch itself was too big for the ribbon. I made it 1cm big, but my ribbons where only 1.5cm wide, so they came out easily.

 I then made them only 5mm and had to change the placement a bit. I only redid the panels since the ribbons were ok.

That last one worked so I took the parts home to build it.

Final Result

Next Class