
About Me

Hello everyone! This is Mandy here, well actually my name is Amanda Mareco but I feel weird when people call me Amanda, that is reserved mostly for very professional environments 🙃. I am from Luque, in Paraguay, where I live with my boyfriend and 2 gorgeous kitties called Katia and Blanquita (which means Whitey in English).
foto de katya siendo chulina foto mia y de conra foto de blanquita siendo chulina
On the left, Katya, Me and boyfriend in middle and right one is Blanquita
I am finishing up my carrer (I hope I can finish this year lol) of Electronics Engineering with an emphasis on Mechatronics. All that is left for me to graduate is my Thesis, and well, I can call myself an engineer at last 😄

My work related life

Right now, I'm working as the MakerSpace manager in a school in Asuncion called "Colegio del Sol". I have been working here for the past 2 years teaching kids how to be more involved with the DIY culture, using PBL with teams of teachers for awesome things and also by being the coach and teacher for the Robotics clubs for the extracurricular activities as well.
me working with kids in a space school logo working with kids doing parks with sticks
Here you can see me teaching and also a logo of the School
I have a passion for all things robotics and educational toys related, ever since I started in this field I loved discovering new ways of teaching and learning and just having ideas flow around all the time.

Some of the projects I've worked on the last year with my students were related to automatas, stop motion movies, digital animation, Scratch animation, 3D designing in Tinkercad, learning Design Thinking by fast prototyping and many many other things! I even worked with biomaterials with one group and learned so much with them as well. Here a collection of pictures showing all of this things.
foto all of my movies poster foto automata foto digital animation
Left: We made movies, usign different technologies, like Stop Motion and digital animation, here is the marquee of the showing.
Middle: we made cardboard automatas to represent animals!
Right: Some kids learning how to use "Brush Ninja" a platform to make digital animations
foto of a boy learning Scratch biomaterials Building fast prototyping towers
Left: One of the kids using Scratch to create an animation
Middle: Showcase of the products achieved in the Biomaterials workshops we had, we used many different techniques.
Right: We made towers using different materials and using fast prototyping!

Where I put most of myself tho is in the robotics teams that are under my wing, I've learned a lot coaching this kids, and we have participated in many competitions, some of them even earning us trophies, which I'm super proud of.
working w kids in some tech issues kids learning about gears Building fast prototyping towers

Travelling is fun

I have had other endeavours before starting teaching at schools that allowed me to travel, thing that I am very grateful for, like being a coach for a Student Bootcamp in the University of St Gallen, in the city of St Gallen on Switzerland for 2 weeks, thanks to Penguin Academy, a company that makes learning coding quick and easy here in Paraguay.
summer school in St Gallen me in the Ebenalp Me teaching coding

I also went to China thanks to a scholarship offered by Huawei, where I learned a lot about many of their technologies and also about the chinese culture. I had a great time in Beijing and Shenzen, where the Huawei University is at.
foto in huawei University foto en ciudad prohibida graduation pic

Things I do besides work (hobbies, and others)

Now regarding my hobbies and other things that I like doing, I also have a diploma for acting school I know, I live in many different worlds xd, and I have done some school plays and filmed short videos in the last years to keep on training. Acting is something that honestly keeps me sane and grounded, art in general honestly is my getaway.
in the floor all wet me holding a gun xd Tana Schembori's play, me eating pringles xd
Left: I did a school play of Antigone
Middle: A short scene that we filmed based on Se7en. I was doing Brad Pitt's role xdd
Right: My last play in the school was with an awesome director from Paraguay called Tana Schembori, she directed "7 Boxes!"
Here you can see me in action lol, (but literally, I did this in an Action stunts workshop hahah)

Besides acting, some other art related things I enjoy are mostly about using my hands xddd (I am a maker teacher for a reason). I love painting with watercolors, I have done some sculptures and tried to learn a bit of that too, I have a little project going on that is to build a miniature of a Kiki's Delivery Service Shop, and I used to write, like a lot. I still do write, but mostly for work, I need to get my creative writing flowing again soon.
in the floor all wet me holding a gun xd Tana Schembori's play, me eating pringles xd

Some of the things that inspire me and give me life are music, movies and sometimes, videogames.

I have a very wide taste in music but to name a few of my fave artists I can call
Lana del Rey,
My Chemical Romance (a childhood group that I still hold dearly),
David Bowie,
Billie Eilish,
Kali Uchis,
Girl in Red,
Boy Pablo, and others.
If you resonate with any of this, let me know. I have some playlists in spotify with mixes that I made that maybe you like.
Now regarding movies I am a huge fan of cult movies and animated pieces. Ghibli is everything that is heavenly, and Wes Anderson and Nolan are kings. I am also very in love with most of Greta Gerwigs work (yeah, the Barbie director). I also have a soft spot for early 2000's chick flicks and Disney classics. Some of my favorite movies are Howl's Moving Castle, Interstellar, Lady Bird, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Memento, Spirited Away, The Lion King (the animated version ofc), Mean Girls (the original version ofc), and in recent ones I have to say I loved Do Revenge a lot.
In the videogames category, if I'm honest I'm not the biggest gamer cause I have a tendency to dislike anything with too much violence, so the market is not really for me lol. But Nintendo games have always been inside my heart and specially The Legend of Zelda series is one of my favorite things in the world. I have yet to finish most of the games in the franchise but I know of them all and know the stories and lore way too much hehe. I also enjoy any game that allows me to build my own things, but the ones I love the most are the ones that allow me to explore endlessly. That's why another one of my favs is No Man's sky.
Maybe this is not really that relevant but I believe that this things say a lot about a person lol. That's why I wanted to share!

This year in Fab Academy my goal is to learn a lot about EVERYTHING cause I'm an overachiever and I have a tendency to want to do it all, so what better place to start that journey than here? I plan to develop a product that will allow me to graduate (or at least give me a start in that journey) and also to connect with many people from around the world! So I'll leave my socials here in case anyone is interested after reading my little bio haha.

See ya around! 🤗🤗