Riichiro Yamamoto

Final Project

Fab Academy 2024
Riichiro Yamamoto

1st Idea

Sketch ideas

Here is an image of my thought process for realising an idea for my final project.

Firstly, I wrote my pure desire and constructed it in a word.
Secondly, I deconstructed the word by using other explanations.
Thirdly, I reconstructed a sentence using those explanations.


Concept Sketch

This is a quick sketch showing my interpretation of

Human-scale programmed aggregate particle that moves in response to people's movement in its process of self-assembly and deployment.


Ideal passway towards the outcome

At this point, my idea for the final project is very idealistic and it has a lack of actuality in the sense of accomplishing with limited time and knowledge within this programme. I thought about other ways and methods that could bring this project together. However, I would like to stick with my ideal passway (red arrow) for now, and I will decide which passway this project should go in the process.


Visual Reference

This is a short video of artwork titled "Ghost" by Tobias Gremmler.

I want to create something that looks like this...

"But Physical 3D version"





Kinetic Surface



For the week 2 task, I wanted to model a part of my final project. Since my project is about particles I wanted to model a cell of particles. As a reference, I took one shape from Discretely assembled mechanical metamaterials from MIT the Center of Bits and Atoms. I replicated the most simple shape which is a 6 square attached together.

First I started with a box, then modified it to a plate shape. Second, I made a hollow inside using a boolean difference. Third, I made a corner part and duplicated each corner. Finally, duplicated a square frame five times, and created a particle.


Particle Movement (animation)

Also, I wanted to create an animation of what my final project aims to look like. Since I want to create aggregate particles moving in response to human movement, I simply wanted to create a model using particle function and animated character movement. First I imported a human model, then added amature bone. However, it was consuming a lot of time so I used Mixamo to automatically rig my model. Second, I added movement that is available in Mixamo to my rigged model and then imported it to my file. Third, I replicated the model and tried to turn the model into particles. However, it did not work as I thought. Those particles should move according to the rig movement instead of appearing and disappearing in the same place, and also the human model should not appear with particles. I think the particle function might be causing this problem

Key command and method I learn from this challenge.

[Shift] + [A] - [Amature] : add amature bone
Right-click the bone to subdivide
Select point of bone - [E] : to add new bone
[Tool tab] - [X-Axis mirror] : for arms and legs, creating mirrored bone structure
Mixamo: a website that can easily add human amature to model


Personal Review Comments

  1. Input week, you can try the human movement
  2. One of the crucial questions is “How responsive do you want it to be?” to be more specific, it is about speed because there is going to be a delay between input and output. If it self assembling all the time then it's going to be difficult. In your idea, the object needs to respond to your movement as it is happening. With lights, it is easy, but when you go with more mechanical things it needs more time.
  3. Zoological, a balloon with plopelas. it's like Zeppelin. It is also slow.
  4. It is a Give & Take Relationship. About delay.
  5. Responsive is very important
  6. As a final project, it will be a prototype or a part of it.
  7. It is a Modular system (by looking at particles.) A particle is a project itself, so if you achieve a couple of particles at the end, it is a success.
  8. Spiral development: big idea, break it down into small parts, start collecting small successes and
  9. A lot of work to do, in the Input part (Kinect will be an assignment), (you can try different inputs, like distance, pressure, temperature. Test them and get values, and decide)
  10. A big part in the Design and fabricating of the particle itself, and the system,
  11. Network: Communication between particles is the most complicated part. It is a matter of “How do you want them to communicate with each other?” there are 2or3 options.
    1. Each particle communicates with the other
    2. A master brain controls all the particle
    3. Tree-like network connecting brain and particles (recommended)
  12. Reference: DNA project from the previous student
  13. Reference: Neil modular system with USB?
  14. “How do you want to move?” define more. What is the shape of the particle? Linear, rotate. Descending on movement, there is a different mechanism.
  15. For start, maybe light and sound?
  16. This will change your project. There are 2 different directions.
  17. If you want to focus on particles, you will end up creating a particle or 2,3.
  18. If you want to do more have the network and respond altogether, it will be more like a kinetic structure, where everything is fixed and one part moves as a response.
  19. You don't have to choose now, could run with both possibilities, but at some point, you need to choose one.
  20. Reference: MIT Self Assembly lab ( you might find something in between)
  21. Reference: inflatable?
  22. There are many ways to represent it as an output.
  23. Establish the element your project has to have!!! At least 2, that you can always come back to.
  24. Make it a bit more down to earth. Clear idea
  25. Anyway you go, start small, and scale after is easy. It is like Solving problems one by one, facing all the problems at once or
  26. You need to define the object you want to create. Do a drawing of what you want to have at the end.
  27. It's a very ambitious project but you did a very nice job with the description and stuff. Neil will be happy
  28. Break it down, see all the possible, see the direction the project could take and look for references.
  29. Try to find references in the open source world so you can take background technology. Fablab, MIT. (words are “kinetic”)

Questions to realise the project

After the personal review, I thought carefully through the questions I needed to be able to answer in order to realise the project. I wrote down a bunch of words that define my project and started to reduce them so that I could realise some keywords that define my project.

After all, the core of my final project should be Movement as Input, Movement (Output), Responsive (instant feedback), and Physical.


Idea Sketch

This is the first idea sketch. The idea is to make an architectural model that moves according to human movement.


Global Review

I presented about the current state of my final project during my global review in Week 3 Computer-Controlled Cutting

Neil and the other audience gave me some nice references related to my final project. See below.

Final Project has Changed !!!

2nd Idea


Since I had such a fun time playing with paste printing in Week 5 3D Scanning and Printing , I started to shift my final project towards it.




If the future will be like How to Make (Almost) Anything (AImost) without Making Anything (AI Recitation: Presentation given by Olivia Seow, Harvard University Amira Abdel-Rahman, MIT Center for Bits and Atoms Valdemar Danry, MIT Media Lab) , as a person who enjoys making,

I will be very bored and sad.


I saw a glimpse of the sadness and boredom when I was sitting in front of a 3D printer and just waiting to finish the job. Instead, I want to communicate with the machines. I want to collaborate and make things with the machines. I want to have fun with machines in the process of making.



So now, the ultimate goal of my final project is to dance with a 3D printer while it is printing and create a unique print piece that shows traces of the improvised collaboration.


The ideas have changed but the principle has not changed. It will always be Movement(Input) to Movement (Output), Responsive (instant feedback), and Physical. The big difference is the responsive movement will be happening during making rather than with an already-made structure.


I found the Babystep function very interesting. It is a default function that 3D printers have. It is mainly used for Z-axis adjustment for a better print finish. But to me, it is a simple example of communicating with the machine, and collaboration between humans and machines in the process of making. Moreover, the finished print piece will have traces of co-creation.

Isn't that beautiful?



I made a schedule for developing my final project according to what we will be learning each week. In this way, I will be able to synchronize weekly assignments and final project development.


Spiral Development

Since I was able to synchronize my final project and weekly assignment, I naturally started spiral development. Since I made my 1st iteration simple and not too complex to achieve, I am aiming to finish 1st iteration as soon as possible and use the time left to develop more on input devices and GCoding



Start with simple input such as potentiometer.

Make the sysytem work with Firmware and GCode

Then try complex input such as camera sensor


0.0 Paste Printing

Undestanding Paste Printing by making

Documentation is on
Week 5 3D Printing

0.1 Stepper Motor

Undestanding how to control stepper motors.

Documentation is on
Week 9 Output Device

0.2 Paste Printer

Undestanding more about 3D printer by actually making 3D printer.

Documentation is on
Week 10 Machine design

0.3 Potentiometer

Controlling motors on 3D printer by potentiometers.

Documentation is on
Week 11 Input Device

1.0 Manual Control 3D printer

Week 11 Input Device

As a result, I was able to paste print a piece but it was very difficult to control the printer. To make it better, Indeed to fix the things below.

  • function to stop motors
  • Z motor speed need tobe be slower
  • X motor can move faster
  • Y motor should move faster
  • Slider knob at middle should be move in either of direction
  • Rotational knob at lowest value should stop motor
  • Nicer to have another motor for extruder

This is the outcome of 1st iteration.


1.1 Firmware and Gcode

This was achieved by Week 10 Machine Design. We tried using Marlin360 however we end up using Marlin for the firmware.

Documentation is on
Week 10 Machine Design

MARLIN 360_fromAndrea.txt
Marlin Configuration_ROTA.txt

1.2 BabyStepping

First I was looking into Live GCode Sending / Dynamic GCode, but I was not able to find any reference for what I imagined to do. Then I went back to my starting point which is the BabyStepping function. After researching about it a bit more, I found out that there is a Babystepping function for the X and Y axes as well. So I followed this tutorial and was able to activate the BabyStepping function and create movement while the printer was printing.


1.3 Potentiometer + Firmware

Now I needed to use the BabyStep function with a potentiometer. At first, I had no idea how I should move on because I had two different boards able to to the different things which are controlling with a potentiometer and sending GCode with firmware, but My tutor helped me understand what needs to be done.

The simple way is to connect SAMD21, which is connected to Potentiometers, and Arduino Mega2560+RAMP1.4 which has firmware, by Serial communication. This is something I learned recently from Week 13 Networking and communications


4 Weeks until Final Presentation

This is my weekly task to achive until the final presentation.

What is left to do?

Week0: Potentiometer + Firmware

Week1: Motion Capture with Seed XIAO camera sensor

Week2: Motion Capture + Firmware

Week3: Packaging

Week4: 1 min video + presentation board
