Week 18: Porject Development

June 1, 2024

Project Development: ToGO

Completed Tasks

  1. Cube Design and Fabrication

    • 3D printed cube enclosures with magnetic covers.
    • Custom PCBs designed and fabricated using KiCad and Roland SRM-20.
    • Integration of ESP32-C3 microcontrollers, OLED displays, and WS2812B LEDs.
  2. Board System Assembly

    • Construction of the board using 20mm x 20mm Sigma profiles and plexiglass sheets cut with a laser cutter.
    • Installation of 42 WS2812B LED strips on the board.
    • Power management for the LED strip and Raspberry Pi with a single on/off power supply.
    • Vinyl used for matrix creation and design.
  3. Software Development

    • Development of the cube control and communication software using Arduino and Python.
    • Implementation of algorithms such as Dijkstra, A*, BFS, and DFS.
    • Creation of a web interface for user and admin control using Flask, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  4. Testing and Debugging

    • Extensive testing of hardware and software components.
    • Debugging and optimization of communication protocols and algorithms.

Remaining Tasks

  1. Final Integration and Testing

    • Ensure seamless interaction between the board and cubes.
    • Finalize and test the web interface for user and admin control.
  2. Documentation

    • Create comprehensive documentation for hardware and software components.
    • Prepare user manuals and instructional videos.
  3. Final Presentation Preparation

    • Develop a presentation for the Fab Academy final project review.
    • Create a demo video showcasing the project’s features and capabilities.

What Has Worked?

What Hasn’t Worked?

Questions to be Resolved

Lessons Learned

This project has been a comprehensive learning experience, aligning with the “make, fail, learn” motto. I have strived to parallel design research with the 20-week program, encountering several challenges and valuable insights along the way. The planning, especially in PCB design, required twice the anticipated time. However, achieving a screwless cube design with magnetic covers proved successful. This design allows easy access to internal mechanisms, facilitating quicker troubleshooting and solutions, while also concealing electronics to maintain user focus.

Designing the light flow for the board, programming, and ensuring seamless communication between components was a unique and instructive challenge. My goal was to simplify re-assembly and assembly of all components.

Future Plans

Research Component

This project will also be part of my research, focusing on:

I loved working on this project, and I am committed to its future development and integration into my teaching and research.

Hero Shot



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