Week 14: Interface Application Programming

Interface Application Programming

Assignment activities:

Group assignment:

Compare as many tool options as possible

If you want to explore the group Assignment Click Here


  • Node-RED is a visual programming tool that allows you to create applications by connecting nodes to define workflows.
  • It provides a web-based interface that simplifies the process of creating and deploying applications.
  • Node-RED is based on Node.js and uses JavaScript as the programming language.
  • It excels at integrating different systems and devices through its extensive library of nodes.
  • It supports MQTT, HTTP, and other protocols for communication.
  • Working Space

    Working Space


  • Tkinter is a standard Python library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
  • It provides a set of tools and widgets that allow you to build desktop applications with Python.
  • Tkinter is easy to use and has good documentation.
  • It provides a wide range of GUI controls such as buttons, labels, entry fields,
  • Tkinter is primarily used for creating desktop applications, not web-based interfaces.
  • Working Space

    3.Using ESP32 as a web server with HTTP protocol

  • The ESP32 is a microcontroller board that includes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities.
  • It can be programmed to act as a web server, allowing it to serve web pages and respond to HTTP requests.
  • It can be programmed to act as a web server, allowing it to serve web pages and respond to HTTP requests.
  • By using the ESP32 as a web server, you can create a web-based interface accessible through a browser.
  • You can use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design the interface and interact with the ESP32.
  • This approach is suitable for applications where the user interacts with the device through a web browser.
  • Working Space

    II.Individual assignment:

    What I did in this week: In this week we make an interface which display Temperature and Humidity by using Node-RED to control the ESP32 with a Serial Coomunication and DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor module.

    I.We started by Designing the PCB and built our own board

    By using a microcontroller board that you have designed in Week 9 Output_Deviceswe use ESP23 Microcontroller,for Temperature and Humidity by using Node-RED to control the ESP32 with a Serial Coomunication and DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor module here is ESP23 Datasheet

    What is ESP 32? ESP32 is a powerful microcontroller developed by Espressif Systems. It is a dual-core, 32-bit processor with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. The ESP32 is designed for a wide range of applications such as IoT (Internet of Things) devices, home automation, industrial automation, smart appliances, and more. It has a clock speed of up to 240 MHz, 520 KB of RAM, and 4 MB of flash memory for program storage. Additionally, it has a variety of peripheral interfaces including SPI, I2C, UART, and ADC, making it easy to connect to sensors, displays, and other devices. The ESP32 can be programmed using a variety of programming languages including C++, Python, and MicroPython, making it a popular choice for both hobbyists and professional developers.

    Here is Schematic Used

    Downloded Templete

    Here is PCB Used

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    Here is our PCB after Milling

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    The following Image shows my Board used in this assignment, and this board was designed in week 9 as I cite in above stetements

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    Here is our board after connecting with Sensor DTH11 (Temperature and Humidity Sensor)

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    II.To display our Interface we used Node-Red

    a. What is Node Red?

    Node-RED is an open-source visual programming tool used for wiring together hardware devices, APIs, and online services in new and interesting ways. It was originally developed by IBM's Emerging Technology Services team and is now a part of the JS Foundation. Node-RED is built on top of Node.js, a popular server-side JavaScript platform, and uses a browser-based flow editor to allow users to drag and drop nodes to create flows.

    b.How to install Node-Red on localhost

    Node-RED is an open-source programming tool that allows you to create flows for the Internet of Things (IoT) and is typically installed on a computer or server. However, you can also run Node-RED on an ESP32 microcontroller using the ESP-IDF framework. Here are the steps to install Node-RED on a localhost by using ESP32:

    Download Node.js on This Link and install

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    Downloded Templete

    After Installing nodejs we will open Command Prompt and verify the version of software by writing node --version and install Node-RED by using command npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red

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    After Installing Node-RED we will found the Local Address we will use for runing Node-RED here is

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    c. How to make user interface with node red

    As discribed above I want to display Temperature and Humidity by using Node-RED to control the ESP32 with a Serial Coomunication and DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor module, I used ESP32 to do that. For more about ESP32 how interfaring with DHT11/DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Readings Click Here

    When you open the Node-RED Local address ( in browser the Node-RED Interface will opned.

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    Here We are setting up Serial Port and Boud rate the same as we used in Arduino Programming

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    Here are our Node-Red Programming

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    V. Connecting node red to mcu via serial library and doing Arduino Programming

    a. DHT Sensor Libraries

    To read from the DHT sensor, we’ll use the DHT library from Adafruit. use this library you also need to install the Adafruit Unified Sensor library. Follow the next steps to install those libraries.

    Open your Arduino IDE and go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries. The Library Manager should open

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    Search for “DHT” on the Search box and install the DHT library from Adafruit, fortunately our DHT sensor was installed in Week 11: Input Devices.

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    After installing the DHT library from Adafruit, type “Adafruit Unified Sensor” in the search box. Scroll all the way down to find the library and install it.

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    Here are Arduino code used to display our interface (Temperature and Humidity)

                                #include "DHT.h"
                                        #define DHTPIN 12
                                        #define DHTTYPE DHT11
                                        DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE);
                                        void setup() {
                                          dht.begin(); // initialize the sensor
                                        void loop() {
                                          // wait a few seconds between measurements.
                                          // read humidity
                                          float humi  = dht.readHumidity();
                                          // read temperature as Celsius
                                          float tempC = dht.readTemperature();
                                          // read temperature as Fahrenheit
                                          float tempF = dht.readTemperature(true);
                                          // check if any reads failed
                                          if (isnan(humi) || isnan(tempC) || isnan(tempF)) {
                                            Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");
                                          } else {

    Here we are uploading the above Arduino code in ESP32 Microcontroller

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    Here are the output of the Arduino code programming

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    Final Results and Hero shot

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    To show if the the process and our Interface watch the below Video

    If you want to learn about my Programming kindly click here for download my files