In this assignment we tested the digital signal from our temperature sensor DS18b20 and analogue signal from a potentiometer.
From the definition, an analogue signal has infinite values and it's represented by a sinusoidal graph, a digital signal only has 1 and 0, so it has a representation with a square wave.
To investigate the differences, we consulted the following article on the Electrical Volt blog: What are analog and digital signal differences.
The analogue signal was measured by an oscilloscope, the system we tested was a board controlling a motor and the potentiometer to make it run faster or turn it down.
With equipment, we saw the signal. The probe was connected to one terminal of the potentiometer and the alligator to the other.
We wanted to test our temperature sensor, this one has a one wire communication, so we use the probe in the signal cable and the alligator to ground in the sensor board. The wave signal was pretty clear.